How to Improve Stamina


New member
My voice gets tired easily when jamming, usually after an hour or so will become a bit hoarse. I've improved a little bit doing the "Brrrr" thing and trying to keep things relaxed. I find that if I feel tired (perhaps after a long day) I'll usually strain my voice more. So, how to train stamina?

what songs are you singing?... maybe they are not the right key for you?...
also maybe check in the mirror,when you are singing can u see veins around your throat?... that means maybe your using too muhc of the throat.
hey cool, you've got the right problems. LOL

well at least it shows you're using the right technique to sing with your breath.

but what you want is not more physical stamina, but vocal stamina. You must know how to maintain the right singing posture and technique throughout, that would depend how you sing in top condition.

A good idea would be to do lip thrills, I don't know if I got that word right. basically, you close your lips lightly, then you blow air through them, making a buzzing kinda sound. I think you get what i mean, just thrill and "sing" something without words. Using the "bluhbluhbluh" sound to sing a tune. Make sure your lips are relaxed and your air flow is constant. Keep the tune legato, smooth and flowing and don't stop. Try and get the air flow as streamline as possible.

Do that for a few minutes, running from high notes to low then up again, sing scales, all using the lips and lungs only. That should open up your airway.

You can also try pressing down on the gap between your two collar bones with your thumb, i'd write more about the pressing next time.

hope this helps.
Hi I can see veins around my throat only on my left side of the throat when I'm singing. On a good day it's minimal, but when I'm tired, it "shows" easily. That's why I tot my stamina is bad..


andrewtheshredder said:
what songs are you singing?... maybe they are not the right key for you?...
also maybe check in the mirror,when you are singing can u see veins around your throat?... that means maybe your using too muhc of the throat.
Are lip thrills the "brrrr" thing where you make your lips bubble. I practice it all the time, but I still have this problem.

yes I gues it is, I'm not sure though.

you tried pressing down on the hole between your collar bones? It's very effective.

Along with that, you can actually strangling yourself. LOL press down lightly on the side muscles just below your head-neck join, just below your jaw. Feel for the muscle and press down just enough to open your throat, then sing in that position till you can feel your sound coming out smoothly.
Sorry to sound stupid.. but what are the collar bones? Do you mean the hole just below the adam's apple? Press it down while I'm singing?


gjkung said:
yes I gues it is, I'm not sure though.

you tried pressing down on the hole between your collar bones? It's very effective.

Along with that, you can actually strangling yourself. LOL press down lightly on the side muscles just below your head-neck join, just below your jaw. Feel for the muscle and press down just enough to open your throat, then sing in that position till you can feel your sound coming out smoothly.
collarbones arethe bones just under your shirt collar, I don't know i I got the name right in the first place. It's the bone that surrounds your neck-shoulder joint.

and yes I think it's the hole just below your adams apple, about three fingers' width down. but only press it down if you feel it coming up, don't press even if it's fully relaxed.
Ok I think I get it, is it just a check whether you are using your throat to sing? If it moves up then throat is used?


gjkung said:
and yes I think it's the hole just below your adams apple, about three fingers' width down. but only press it down if you feel it coming up, don't press even if it's fully relaxed.

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