how to get good acoustic sound thru PA


New member

I'll be performing on stage in a wedding, just wondering what equipment i need to get the best sound out of it? What kind of cables? DI Box ?

i'll be using a taylor 412ce with fishman prefix, and i certainly need a DI box to the PA system.

I never done this before, any recommend ?
check out LR baggs para DI. its an acoustic DI with lots of cool functions that will work very well for acoustic guitars. as for cables you'll need one 1/4 inch and one XLR cable.
it's more than the guitar and DI. the room acoustic and other factors will play key roles too. get the sound people to do a proper gain structuring and eq. look at the whole mix than focus only on the guitar. i suppose there are vocal (you singing?) and that will be mixed decently.

if you are doing it in a banquet room, the hotel PA crew is not really 'trained' to give you the sound that you want. you should have one of your chaps in the sound room during sound check and during the performance.