How to get a clean sound like Paradise City?


New member
Hey guys i wanna try to get a clean guitar sound like the song Paradise City by Guns N Roses . But some how i cant . I'm using a Washburn X10 off an Peavey Rage158 .

Can anybody give me some tips . Changing pickups or some clean boost or anything ?
slash uses humbuckers. ur x10 has single coils in the neck.

i believe, erm slash uses his les paul, switched to middle position, giving a blend of both neck and bridge pickups, roll the volume on the neck down a lil bit, and finish off with a slight dash of chorus.

i can get pretty close to that tone like that.

i suggest u just play it with a little dirt using ur neck single. wont sound too bad. dont bother abt completely NAILING that tone. just play whatever sounds good to ur ears.