How to darken fretboard


New member
Hey guys, anyone knows how to darken a fretboard? My current fretboard is rosewood which doesn't really suit the color of my guitar, it makes the fretboard stand out more than the body. Anyone know anyway to darken the wood without making it lose it's tone?
Try Out $15 Dr Wax

Why not try this - get the Dr Wax for $15 and apply it very sparingly. It darkened both my guitar's fretboard. It is non-destructive, you get a darker shade of the wood's color and the bonus? Your fingering works noticeably better.

Hey guys, anyone knows how to darken a fretboard? My current fretboard is rosewood which doesn't really suit the color of my guitar, it makes the fretboard stand out more than the body. Anyone know anyway to darken the wood without making it lose it's tone?
I think there's also Lemon oil that Mike at Standard Value uses. It darkens the fretboard and also makes it feel and look better, as opposed to looking very dry. Also helps keep the fretboard 'healthy' but it really makes a difference in appearance. Made my rosewood fretboard look brand new!
the darken effect is due to the fretboard soaking up the oil/cleaner and its not good to over choke the wood with those

Those oil are meant for cleaning and to apply a lil bit, its absolutely NOT FOR darkening AT ALL!
Dont drown your fretboard with those...

duh, its similar to applying water to fabric or a piece of paper which absorb water, the colour also darken mah, but is it the same as real darkening of the colours???
hi bro, care to post a pic of your guitar? From your description, I am imagining a light coloured body with a rosewood (dark coloured wood) on maple neck. there are irreversible darkening techniques where you stain the wood. However, it wouldn't be much different than rosewood as rosewood is already quite dark IMHO. It may not resolve the problem you're facing as at 10meters, an ebony (black) fretboard and a rosewood fretboard is hard to tell.
I lightly sprayed Betex (Matt) nitro lacquer on my fretboard to darken it. And it says dark (until you wear it out with your playing)

old english oil works as well but i use that for furniture though.
Buy a bottle of mineral oil from Ikea. It does work wonders. Beez recommended it and swears by it :mrgreen:
yeah today i went to beez to have my guitar setup, he intro-ed me some mineral oil to 'freshen' up the rosewood on my guitar, it can be bought from ikea :) lemon oil, although with the nice smell, its very oily, and it would accumulate dirt and stuff at the frets!