How to create a minus one track?!

I saw a software selling at Challenger, where you can basically take out the vocals from a track. I think it's from Magix.... I think. Not sure what's it's called and how much it cost though.
It doesn't really take out the vocals from the track. What it does is bring down the volume of the vocals and along with it other parts of the music arrangement that may be on the same frequency. So the results will not be ideal 'cos you can still hear the muffled lead vocals at the back.
yup, once music has been mixed, it can't be unmixed. what software out there try to do is to remove the frequencies that normally constitute vocals. it is never perfect as you would expect but some do a pretty passable job, depending on your needs. i dunno if they can be found in stores here.

wouldn't it be nice IF we were able to download them using bit torrent LEGALLY........
Both replies are pretty true. But ask yourself: are you ok with it not being perfect? Since you are not really as sound obsessed person as most of the Softies here, you might wanna still consider :lol:
there's a free software called goldwave. that has a remove vocals function.

but apparently, it's not nice at all. what it does is it cuts the frequencies the program determines as voice. but then again, the backing music also comprises of these frequencies. so you get a horrible sounding minus one.

another option is to get a friend who preferably has a mac and good with basic arrangment and use garage band to do a minus one. i wouldn't mind helping you out a bit if i weren't busy. but i guess you can ask some of the guys on soft to help you out. i'm sure there are some kind souls.
get somone to reproduce it. my bro does this for a hoby & 1 of his best works has help someone won a singing contest

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