How to create a Demo tape?!


New member
Hi! I am a 17 year old aspiring to become a singer. i would like to know if anyone is able to tell me how to create my own demo tape and how to identify a recording companies so i can send my tape to them.
Thank you!!! :D
hi balletstarzz. from what i study in school, aparently you don't send your tapes to record companies. they'll just throw them away. i believe you have to send them to people who are doing Artist(e) & Repertoire, or talent agencies.

as of the process i'm not very sure but good luck!

creation of your own demo tape you've gotta have an original song and prolly approach someone with good arrangement talent to create a minus 1 for you to sing over. there are various studios in singapore doing vocal recording so you can take a look around.
Hi THOA! Well... i am more in chinese and english pop music :) but i'm willing to try different genres :D
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balletstarzz, welcome to SOFT.

What you can do is, record some sample of your recording and post on SOFT!! There are 'secret agents' in SOFT. ha..haa..

If you are good, they will apporach you.
Hi THOA! Well... i am more in chinese and english pop music :) but i'm willing to try different genres :D

Then I would suggest a few things:

1) hook up with a band that plays the kind of stuff you like and perform at gigs or enter competition.

2) get help from someone who can help you record your vocals on a minus one tracks of songs you like. Then post them on this here forum like what Soft says.

3) enter competitions that have recording contracts as prizes.
Haha! cool stuff! Thank you THOA and S.O.F.T so much!!! will keep in mind! :D
Sorry but i'm new do i post my songs on S.O.F.T?!
Once again... Thank you everyone for your help!!!
That's alright. We were all once new before :)

As follow up to my suggestions:

1) hook up with a band that plays the kind of stuff you like and perform at gigs or enter competition.

Look out for bands looking for vocalists here:

Or post and ad of your own here:

2) get help from someone who can help you record your vocals on a minus one tracks of songs you like. Then post them on this here forum like what Soft says.

On how to record, go here:

On how and where to post, go here:

3) enter competitions that have recording contracts as prizes.

On gigs, concerts and competitions, go here:

Hope that helps :)