Okay okay okay.
If fixed bias amps impliy that their bias can be changed with the use of a potentiometer, what about amps that cannot have their bias changed?
You guys are being confused. Fixed bias amps are amps that have the value of the bias is preset by a non-variable resistor. You can change the bias of amp, yes, but you have to replace that resistor with one of a different value. You cannot change the value of the bias on the fly. Variable bias amps give you this option in the form of a potentiometer. Sorta contradictory to call amps that can change bias fixed bias amps, don't you think?
And yes, there are amps which cannot have thier bias changed. Mesa Boogie is a a very good example of them. Yes, the Mark and Rectifiers have two different bias settings for EL84 and 6L6 tubes but these bias values are set values and cannot be changed. A common mod was to replace the fixed resistor with a pot of sufficient value to make life easier for users.
Let me summarise.
Fixed bias amp = Amp that have preset values of bias due to a non-variable resistor in the circuit.
Variable bias amp = Amp that can have the bias changed with the use of a potentiometer, or variable value resistor.