How To Be Emo.....rofl

Emo kid/twit = BLACKMOO. Talk to him and you'd know why. ;) He acts like a twit so well he certainly can pass off as one. HAHA!
Ok, can someone tell me what the hell is emo-rock, man? Bands like Avenged Sevenfold, Funeral For A Friend, Trivium, My Chemical Wedding, etc?
my chemical wedding? u mean romance...
and i dun tink avenged sevenfold is emo.
emo-rock ar?
to me, i think u need to look at the lyrics, as well as the music.
if they contain lovey-dovey stuff, death in a romantic way or etc etc, and music is catchy, pop-ish like, i'll call it emo...
ash said:
i'm so sorry to intrude...but the My Chemical Wedding thingy is freaking funny!!!!!!!

hahahahahahahahahahahaha..i thought so too! my chemical wedding?? no offense bro, but dat was seriously funny..
lol my chemical wedding.



sorry. hahaha.

haha um ok but i don't think Trivium - hahahaha, ok yeah Trivium i think comes under like, metalcore, not - hahaha - not emo-rock.


yea man...

i tink avenged sevenfold oso metalcore la...
their lyrics dont sound emo...but they do look lyk it =X
No. Since you type in proper english and complete sentences without grammar mistakes, and with just one spelling mistake.
XXX Dead kid on the Roof XXXX says : I see her on the road, i feel like i cut my throat , deep down so saddened , i feel so muffled...i wanna kill myself...oh cut myself.....

spink_grrl101 said:
ash said:
i'm so sorry to intrude...but the My Chemical Wedding thingy is freaking funny!!!!!!!

hahahahahahahahahahahaha..i thought so too! my chemical wedding?? no offense bro, but dat was seriously funny..

Ahha... so it is My Chemical Romance! :smt021

Got confused with that Bruce Dickinson solo album, "Chemical Wedding"... :lol:
hahaha this thread is dead funny.

i can rem when being emo was like a reaction to all the macho hardcore in my blood posing that was going on. before death cab or dashboard, when omar had no effects (acrobatic tenement, anyone??)

but now its like, some kinda fashion trend. eyeliner and mascara and really bad hair. so much for emo - from political statement to fashion statement. and that's not saying very much really.

then again, on hindsight, emo is just the sound of whining set to music. not that its bad, but only if you liked that sort of thing.

what is music without emotion anyway? the whole idea of emotional music being a seperate genre is just... superfluous.

random thoughts in the morning. i must rid myself of emotion. time to break out the Can and Trans Am albums.
serialninja said:
haha um ok but i don't think Trivium - hahahaha, ok yeah Trivium i think comes under like, metalcore, not - hahaha - not emo-rock.
bam said:
and Trivium's new album is pretty kickass.. considering i used to hate their old stuff..

I just got the "Ascendancy" album too... and the album & EP by Bullet For My Valentine and thought they are good actually. Hmmmm, so these two are consider eh, metalcore then? :smt017

Damn... this is confusing! So what bands are then consider emo-rock? :lol:
haha why so emo, be happy what. Aiyoo! what's the point being moody and cutting yourself up. sigh.. upset kids.

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