how much to pract and how to pract


New member
Haha feeling bored right now, cause i just cant improve, there's like this maximum plucking and left hand fingering speed that i cant just break....been practicing the same thing for weeks with 0.2 % progress.
Anyway wanna ask how many days per week, and hours per day do you need to pract to become decent enough to play most rock, post hardcore, little bit of metal, songs.
For me it's everyday 2-3 hours. But lesser nowadays. ): studies ah.

Try practicing using a metronome starting slow, say 80 bpm. Then once you perfect the riff, increase the bpm until your desired speed. Definitely helps.

Cheers. :D
For me it's everyday 2-3 hours. But lesser nowadays. ): studies ah.

Try practicing using a metronome starting slow, say 80 bpm. Then once you perfect the riff, increase the bpm until your desired speed. Definitely helps.

Cheers. :D

Wah you serious! 2-3 hours everyday!! Hmm maybe that's where my problem lies.. haha yar now exams period, practising lesser le. previously its like i practice at most 2 hours per day. Then one week i normally pract like 3-4 days only
Hi there!

When I was preparing for my GCE N Levels, I cheong my guitar all the way and practiced up to 4-6 hours a day. I almost failed but I still carried on practicing. I guess I was that hell bent since I also wanted to show those who made fun of me that I ain't just some nerd.

It took a long time but I was able to achieve faster speeds late last year. Really goes to show that patience and developing a steady beat with the metronome is key and it really pays off with hard work and determination. I'm now focusing on going faster to Yngwie Malmsteen's standard.

And since you are into metal and hardcore stuff (which I am as well), you can try looking up the pentatonic minor, natural minor and harmonic minor scales in google. These dark, moody and middle eastern sounding scales are very popular in heavy genres like you mentioned. Study the patterns and follow the exercises if theres any, then incorporate your own style of playing these scales. And not only in a soloing perspective but also try to makes rhythmic riffs with them.

Also, the more you are doing you're technique correctly, the faster you will overcome barriers to playing speed. Some things which I noticed about myself was when I tried to shred I used the thumb of my picking hand to alternate pick. To play speed, use more of your wrist and less of your thumb. Make sure the way you are holding your pick is correct so as to let every note you pick ring out clearly. It must be held in a way where the side of the pick is faced flat on the side of your index finger.

I hope I've helped in some way. Good luck with your playing!

Cheers ;)
Haha feeling bored right now, cause i just cant improve, there's like this maximum plucking and left hand fingering speed that i cant just break....been practicing the same thing for weeks with 0.2 % progress.
Anyway wanna ask how many days per week, and hours per day do you need to pract to become decent enough to play most rock, post hardcore, little bit of metal, songs.

I practice guitar everday, the reason behind this is to get used to what u want to play (u know u want to play so that you won't be so stress on stage so u need to get used to it). you need to get used to playing scales the various patterns of the scales reason is so you wouldn't have to slowly find the notes when you are used to something it just comes naturally. In a nut shell be used to your instrument, the picking the fretboard, etc

I don't know how many hours i practice a day because i don't count. reason is i find it meanless to have a target like i should practice 5 hours a day, rather i would have a more realistic target like i want to get a certain amount of things done today eg, i want to learn this section of the song today, so when you have finished learning what you want to learn today then you can stop or carry on to learn more. however pls set realistic target if not after 24 hours u still can't get your targeted amount of stuff done.
Haha feeling bored right now, cause i just cant improve, there's like this maximum plucking and left hand fingering speed that i cant just break....been practicing the same thing for weeks with 0.2 % progress.
Anyway wanna ask how many days per week, and hours per day do you need to pract to become decent enough to play most rock, post hardcore, little bit of metal, songs.

can i ask what song or stuff are u practicing and what's your greatest thing that you wish to do but you can't do pls be specific about that
To: fenderrules

Haha Thanks! That's really great advice! Yea as you have pointed out, the way I am plucking the guitar right now is probable wrong, and I will use more of wrist now. Hmm...i think i shall try practice more scales too, as currently i only warm up on the pentatonic scale, hope it will help.

To LiKui:

Haha yea there's this one song that got me into guitaring and I have been trying hard to master it, and that is Canon Rock by Funtwo. Recently, i tried practicing that same song again, after 1-2 month without touching it. I realize i didn't improve at all and still cannot reach anywhere near the actual speed. Haha.. i think i realize something. You will need to really grill that song, if you want to improve on it. At first i thought that once i improve my technical skills by practicing other songs, then when i go back to the Canon Rock again, i will learn at a faster rate. But, aiyah i think it did not work out for me.
Studies can be in the way yeah =) but you should study hard to make some grades, because after school, the guitar will still be there and not eaten by the dog or forgotten after the exams.

If 3 hours is too long for you, start with an hour a day. Do all the picking and fretting exercises, do it slow and steady, on time and with the correct form. Then when holidays come, bump it up to 2 hours. Or an hour after you awake and an hour after lunch.

Try to hit 12 hours a day. Serious. Thats how much if you want to really be good. Ok lah, 5 hours can lah.

THE MOST IMPORTANT thing is, practice correctly and practice with focus. One hour solid is better then 4 hours jamming and mucking around.
lol. wth are you doing posting this on soft? get away from your computer and practise practise practise! HAHAHA. nah, joking.

hmm, for now, i practise throughout the whole night, since it's fasting month, so i would practise from 12-5 am. i used to practise at least 6-8 hours a day? yeah, the key is practise i guess.

personally i would practise the different areas and i would change them everyday. like i would practise techniques on mon, tues will be scales, wed etc etc...

mostly, i would practise technique, in particular alternate picking and legato. to me, i realise when your technique is solid, u can overcome lots of barriers. and to me alternate picking is a technique that you must really work on, you might think u have it perfect, but i still think that even mine needs lots of work. and when u have your alternate picking solid, you can usually play fast and things like sweep picking will be easier ( for me at least). and i would then practise songs, one song at a time until i get it perfect. in other words, practise practise practise!

haha, but patience is still the key. good luck bro! hope it helps.
To: fenderrules

Haha Thanks! That's really great advice! Yea as you have pointed out, the way I am plucking the guitar right now is probable wrong, and I will use more of wrist now. Hmm...i think i shall try practice more scales too, as currently i only warm up on the pentatonic scale, hope it will help.

To LiKui:

Haha yea there's this one song that got me into guitaring and I have been trying hard to master it, and that is Canon Rock by Funtwo. Recently, i tried practicing that same song again, after 1-2 month without touching it. I realize i didn't improve at all and still cannot reach anywhere near the actual speed. Haha.. i think i realize something. You will need to really grill that song, if you want to improve on it. At first i thought that once i improve my technical skills by practicing other songs, then when i go back to the Canon Rock again, i will learn at a faster rate. But, aiyah i think it did not work out for me.

ok which part of the song excetly are u having problems with because diff parts of the song diff ways to practice, and be specific about what kind of problems, don't just say not fast enough give more details
To Breen: Haha yea..Studies first. Now September holis over..back to mugging mood. Think i will only touch the guitar during weekends.
Wah siao seriously 5 hours!! I sit there with guitar two hours butt pain le. LoL. But, yea you are right, maybe awake play awhile, after lunch play a while, and at night play awhile. Thats should be the way. Thnks for the tip!

To Ace: Lol i posted this cause, after one whole week of holiday, i didn't achieve much, so feel emo, bored and sad..thats why posted this. k yep thnks for the sharing

To Likui: hmm..not sure it is called the verse, it is the part with one power chord then palm muting with a few notes here and there. For that part, i have problems with that i tend to rush certain notes and do not play them evenly especially those little notes here and there in between the palm muting. Then for the chorus part, it just dun sound as cool as the youtube video, cant do the vibrato as i play the chorus part. I also had no idea how he do all the screeeching notes, sounds really cool and climatic. And yea lastly, the fill-in part. really too fast. Cant sweep evenly and at such a high speed.
To Breen: Haha yea..Studies first. Now September holis over..back to mugging mood. Think i will only touch the guitar during weekends.
Wah siao seriously 5 hours!! I sit there with guitar two hours butt pain le. LoL. But, yea you are right, maybe awake play awhile, after lunch play a while, and at night play awhile. Thats should be the way. Thnks for the tip!

To Ace: Lol i posted this cause, after one whole week of holiday, i didn't achieve much, so feel emo, bored and sad..thats why posted this. k yep thnks for the sharing

To Likui: hmm..not sure it is called the verse, it is the part with one power chord then palm muting with a few notes here and there. For that part, i have problems with that i tend to rush certain notes and do not play them evenly especially those little notes here and there in between the palm muting. Then for the chorus part, it just dun sound as cool as the youtube video, cant do the vibrato as i play the chorus part. I also had no idea how he do all the screeeching notes, sounds really cool and climatic. And yea lastly, the fill-in part. really too fast. Cant sweep evenly and at such a high speed.

the power chord part think more of the rhythm and the melody, don't think too much about picking. which means u really have to be very used to your instrument b4 u can play that song, which means u can string skip and switch string without thinking of it, u do it sub conciously. chorus part i need to see u play then i can try to teach u, screeching notes are articifial harmonics, sweep picking just concentrate on the starting note and the rest on the 1st string, that's the way how i did it, the rest u have to feel and how do u get the feeling right, u practice slowly 1st to make sure your fingers know where they should go after which u can speed it up and it will know where to go without your eyes looking at them because when u go fast your fingers move faster than your eyes it's impossible to look at every note that's why i said concentrate on the 1st string and starting note. and when u play at high speed relax your hands