How much do MIJ p bass usually cost?

yo rentabass. saw you play at nus yesterday.. .good gig man! First thing i did when i got home that day was to learn the super mario bros theme... lol

I'm just guessing it's you cos that girl/boy toilet sticker on your red "freaking-modded-with-p-pups-in-between-2-j-pups" jazz bass kindof gave you away =)
Seems my bass gets more recognition than I do, eh? :lol:

Anyway, thanks for the support, really appreciate all the people who stopped by to watch us monkeys make noise!

Superkicky: I had the URGE to by the URGE II, but not the DINERO. :oops:

Actually, I didn't get the idea from the urge....I didn't know of that bass yet.

I actually got the P routed, cos at the time, I wanted a P bass too, but couldn't afford....I didn't even know that placing the pickup in that position would make it sound different! :lol: