How loud??


New member
This thought has been bugging me for months so i need to know...

How loud is enough to gig??
or perform or whatever...

I know it depends on venue la but what is the average.. uh... Wattage??
i mean one 810 cab enuf? or need 2? or 3?

Hope this makes sense! :lol:

edit: just curious... you guys at baybeats use what cabs and how many?? uh, what heads aso?? :?
Yea...Amp and cabs both...

You guys think that a GK1001 II and a GK Neo412 is enough for most venues or is it overkill? :?
are u refering to raw sound or mic'ed up?

if there are house PA's, maybe u could mic up ur amps

if u are talking bout raw sound... 100w amp would be more than enough for an open field the size of half a football field
Thanks! that helped :D

Uh, about baybeats, you guys know what gear they use?? or at least how much wattage... And if it's mic'd up or raw?

and to you guys gigging... Usually u get ur rigged mic'd up or not??
Hello, that depends which stage you're looking at. The main stage had a 8x10" Ampeg cab with an Ampeg SVT3-PRO head if I remember correctly. The chillout stage had an 8x10" cab as well, but I'm not too sure on what they had running it. I know they used Trace heads for Baybeats 2005, though.

As for wattage, well... basically the bigger the better :) But a GK1001RB head is definitely enough to push an 6x10" cab; I've done that before. The signal was run from the bass to the head with a DI out to the FOH board.

Micing a bass amp is not usually done in Singapore because of the low frequencies involved; it's much easier to get a direct signal from the bass than it is to set up and EQ a mic'd bass amp. That's not to say it hasn't been done before though... I know they did it at Sonic Fest 2005.
the sound was pretty ok for sonic fest . fyi imo... made me deaf but damn it was good. aiya singapore so rarely got large scale concerts. cabs would be enough.
yea. they do have trace elliots.

most ppl wouldnt have bass amp heads and cabs at home. they would be confiscated by the police lol!
Z3r0_G said:
yea. they do have trace elliots.

most ppl wouldnt have bass amp heads and cabs at home. they would be confiscated by the police lol!

unless your house is like macham a 4 storey bungalow with a jamming room inside .. but what for? .. i think a nice 60 watt amp will suffice for that size ...

i don't think anyone deals Trace Elliots in Singapore now .. if i'm not wrong .. Trace are under Gibson .. and the dealers for Gibsons in singapore are Swee Lee .. so you may wanna check with them .. =)
trace got bought out by gibson but i hear one of the designers or engineers went to start ashdown. so there's a trace of trace engineering there..

i think in most clubs, a 300W head and 4x10 cabs are more than enough if you're just driving thru the amp for the entire venue.. but for small venues, i really think DI is a good versatile option.

Wala Wala provide an ampeg 1x12 combo with its own DI and.. there is a clarity to the bass..

BarNone have a peavy session head.. ack.. couldnt remember the wattage, but it was a 1x15 cab. they used their own DI as well

my experience at smaller outdoor venues is usually a trace head.. about 250W-300W and a 4x10. i prefer 4x10s to 1x15s because of the sheer punch from those tight arse speakers. but i'd love to try a 4x10 with a 1x15 together..

in perth, i gigged comfortably with an Eden Nemesis 250W 2x10 and came out thru the fronthouse via DI most of the time, using my amp more as a bass monitor. these were probably 100-200 people clubs? plus it was a dream to transport everything because.. you are your own roadie (unless you actually have roadies! heh~)

so to answer your question, not every "volume" issue is answered with getting a bigger head or cabs.. i think having a good soundman at the gig who can mix your DI signal is better than getting massive equipment when there's no experience in getting a good mix from the onstage bass amp.