how long?

i mean seriously... picking up guitar to get chicks is by far one of the hardest way.. why do they even consider that?!.. they could just slap on some big ol dollar sign chain around their neck.. wear super baggy adidas clothes and wear half left baseball adidas cap.. go to town rap a few words .. isnt that much easier?
vernplum said:
I'm giving up the guitar and buying me a baseball cap.

Please do remember to wear it tilted to a side while you're at it. It's an extremely important thing to do if you're to successfully pull it off :lol:
maybe post a few pix of urself dressed that way? so as to convince us to toss our guitars out the window and grab baseball caps :D
Vaiyen said:
don't get impatient. I have a feeling you're coming from the wrong place..

dont get me wrong i do love my instrument and the music thats why i get pissed off when i cant play something i want to..hmm im not trying to outdo my peers either im trying to play well for my own sake and no i dont lug an acoustic and pluck nothing else matters because i don't like metallica :lol:
hayt i finish o levels last year la lol.
vernplum said:
Please explain what you mean by this. As far as I am concerned, a mode is a scale.

A mode is a modification of a scale. you need to know your scales first before moving on to modes.

For example a D dorian is associated with the D minor scale since Dorian is a minor scale. The D dorian pattern is such that the 6th note is raised by half a step. In the D minor (natural) scale , the 6th note is B flat and as such you need to apply the theory of the Dorian mode by raising it to half a step...

If you were to play modes with no knowledge of scales , it does help but you won't know how modes are related to scales which may prove not so useful to some.

With no knowledge of scales. I'll be like ,"huh what 6 note of D minor scale raise by half a step?!" or "How come a D dorian pattern is the same as the C major scale ah"?
pooo said:
vernplum said:
I'm giving up the guitar and buying me a baseball cap.

Please do remember to wear it tilted to a side while you're at it. It's an extremely important thing to do if you're to successfully pull it off :lol:

You stole that from Tom Delonge.
Anyway, bass players look cooler. Why?
This girl told me once... "Hey, your neck looks way heavier, you must have trained in the gym to carry it."... :?
i dont think we can easily get chicks just by playing guitar...even if you are good.Unless you are good looking.Girls still go for looks and cool looking guys.Ive got few guys who are good at guitar but dont have luck with girls...hahahahah maybe they are ugly...hahahahah...About "hantam"... the solo will sound the same....commonly those typical harmonic minor,malmsteen solo....when playing fast...So dont hantam...maybe can bluff novice player but no pro.Play phrases with melody not finger exercise...Its easier to play fast playing scales,modes or any finger exercise,but its difficult to create own licks,phrases or melody that sound good.
spikes said:
we should just concentrate on skill, for now...

Equal share of concentration on both skill and showmanship. When you perform, the audience wants to see movement man, instead of a musician who stands as still as a statue. I would love to watch an energetic rhythm player who has flair instead of a professional shredder who just stands in the middle of stage doing nothing but doing his thing :lol:
pooo said:
vernplum said:
I'm giving up the guitar and buying me a baseball cap.

Please do remember to wear it tilted to a side while you're at it. It's an extremely important thing to do if you're to successfully pull it off :lol:

serialninja must get all the chicks... :wink:
dhalif said:
i mean seriously... picking up guitar to get chicks is by far one of the hardest way.. why do they even consider that?!.. they could just slap on some big ol dollar sign chain around their neck.. wear super baggy adidas clothes and wear half left baseball adidas cap.. go to town rap a few words .. isnt that much easier?
:lol: :lol:

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