Looking for broad-minded musicians for long-term collaboration


Ahoy mateys,

My friend (drummer) and I (guitarist) are looking for musicians to join us in writing, recording, and hopefully performing original music. We've been writing material on and off for the last 2 years or so and have more than a dozen ideas in various stages of completion. We are particularly looking for a bassist, second guitarist, keyboardist, vocalist, and lyricist. If you happen to be able to fill more than one of those slots simultaneously, more power to you! If you play any other instrument or think you have something different to offer, do get in touch though. We never rule anything out without giving it a fair shake.

We do have some simple requirements that we expect you to meet:

You're proficient at your instruments and comfortable in an improvisational context. You don't need to be Pat Metheny, but we do write some of our stuff off the cuff and on the fly. So whatever instrument you play, you have to be able to feel your way through things. It doesn't matter if mistakes are made or if we need to take a break for you to work out specific bits, but you do need to be able to wing it.

You listen broadly and are keen to try things outside your comfort zone. We have quite broad (and yet still different from each other...) influences that range from contemporary pop to psybient, jazz, extreme metal, alternative rock, classical, and everything in between. As long as you'll try anything at least once, I'm sure we'll get along fine... we're only interested in what works, but you won't know what does until you try.

You have realistic expectations about what you hope to achieve, but you will work towards mutual goals. We're in our 30s with work and family commitments, and in the absence of a full lineup we don't jam regularly in a studio. Still, we've continued to work and archive material over the last couple of years, and we hope to make something of it (as well as make something new!). A primary goal is to work through existing and new material and eventually put out an album. It would be a bonus if we felt the music was good enough to perform live. Mostly though, we aim to write music that *we* enjoy and feel proud to put our names and instruments on. To that end, we leverage technology as far as possible to make efficient use of our time. Jams are usually recorded. Ideas are fleshed out at home and passed around on the internet. No matter how busy we may be individually, collectively, the show must go on... as long as you're willing to play catch up as and when you have time, it's all good.

A little about us:
We're in our 30s, and have playing our respective instruments for over a decade. We usually jam in the east/central area (Jalan Besar-Kallang) or at the drummer's attic (silent studio style) and sometimes at my place (for recording and arranging), also in the east. We have work and family commitments, but typically we set aside one night a fortnight to get together and work something out. In between those times, ideas are circulated on the internet. If there's a full line up and a clear road map, schedules can be put in place, sacrifices can be made and deadlines met. Having said that... we're doing this because we love playing music. It should never be something we dread having to do, otherwise it means we must be doing something wrong.

Here's some of the stuff we've been working on to give you some idea of what's in store. If you like what you hear and would like to hear more (or contribute!), then please get in touch with me at adamqlw@gmail.com or 9232 2733.


Hands around the throat
Slow Grind
Into the sunset
Track One
I know what it takes
For me to poop on
Ideally a band that will write/record/perform... But primarily we are looking for people we can click with socially and musically to do any/all of the above, whether or not we end up will a full line-up.
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If by jam band you mean whether we will be writing material in a live, improvisational context, that probably makes up about half of how we do things. After that we typically record the idea down and flesh it out in a recording situation, and go back an forth between jamming and rearranging until we're feeling good about the arrangement.