how do you prevent bass from dropping


New member
have u guys ever encountered a problem where during time u play ur bass, if u move around too much or too much "pattern", then ur bass gets detached from your strap?

is there any way i can make sure the strap wont come off? the guitars and basses in jamming studios uses rubber stoppers so that the strap wont come off.. is there any other way besides using those big and ugly rubber stoppers?
those planetwaves ones have clips on it issit?? can tahan the 360 degrees guitar spin around ur body anot? lol
lol.. 360 spin..yes can tahan..i tried before.summore i use bass to spin sia..HEAVY!! hahaa but u have to tighten it after each spin ar..
no its different..the straplocks are just a locking thingy that u have to fix on..the locking straps are straps with "built in" locking system sumthing like that ar..haha can go check the planetwaves website.
hmm okok thanks for ur info bro :) u know where i can buy the dunlop straploks and the planet waves ones? swee lee?
yup sweelee has it..davis should have also..or u can see the shop behind davis..they sell the locking straps:D
I use this on my guitar.


Don't know how much though, it was a gift. Pretty solid, though I used to be worried about the plastic snapping.
i've had straploks on every bass i've owned except for my first one. never had any drop, and i don't expect them to come loose anytime soon :)