How do you keep your guitars?


New member
Ok, this not about guitar cases/bags/stands issues.

Wanted to get opinions on how you guys store all your guitars at home.

My situation is this. I'm moving to a 2 rooms appartment and i need to think of how to store my current guitars (about 10 of them in cases or bags).

My ID suggested to make a cabinet for them but I think it is going to waste some physical space as the apartment is already very small.

I am also considering putting them in store room.

Any ideas?? I have kids at home too so need to think of their (both kids and guitars) safety too.

If you can post some pic that will be good! Thank you!
For safety, I think it is best to keep them in hard cases especially when you are not planning to play the guitars for some time.

A cupboard that can store all 10 guitars would be cool. Make it like 2 layers so 5 guitars on each level. You can lock the cupboard to keep it away from your kids and can also put a dehumidifier inside to preserve the guitars :p
If your guitar has a nitrocellulose finish, I do not recommend putting it on a stand or in a case. Wall mounts are still the best way to store a guitar.
If your guitar has a nitrocellulose finish, I do not recommend putting it on a stand or in a case. Wall mounts are still the best way to store a guitar.

Really? Hmm.. with the humidity and constant rain, I've had a guitar or 2 develop this sticky dusty tendency over time. Have resorted to storing in hardcases with a thirsty hippo pack ever since.

How do you deal with the dust and the moisture if you leave them hanging on walls bro?
Really? Hmm.. with the humidity and constant rain, I've had a guitar or 2 develop this sticky dusty tendency over time. Have resorted to storing in hardcases with a thirsty hippo pack ever since.

How do you deal with the dust and the moisture if you leave them hanging on walls bro?

Gibson guitars usually develop this kind of problem. Usually people would recommend cleaning it off with lighter fluid (although it doesn't really solve the problem). I would use turtle wax super hard shell to wipe but then again, the problem cannot be 100% elimintated.

The only possible solution is a refinish but even I think that is too extreme.

See, I rather the guitar have dust as compared to impression marks on the finish when leaving it in the case for too long (especially molded cases). I can easily rub off dust with a duster I can get from Daiso. Dust every once a week and you are good to go.

For example:

Notice the 2 points of wear on the strat? That happens when the guitars are constantly rubbing on the cloth in the case while on the go. Although you can't see from the picture, the guitar's weight would be resting on the cloth hence leaving a "checked" impression on that edge as well. That happens even if you leave it alone in the case for a long period of time.

So far, this only happens on guitars that were finished in nitrocellulose.

Another thing I would like to avoid is "baking". Hard cases have a tendancy to trap heat. When a guitar is left in a hot car boot for too long, the finish would start flaking. It is worse for acoustic guitars. The first thing that fails is the bridge. Some people tend to leave their guitar cases near a place where the sun shines. guitars and the sun don't click, at all.

There was one guy here on soft that kept his guitars on the wall plus have an additional cabinet covering it to keep it dust free. With some thirsty hippo, that would be my ideal kinda set up.
Though I wish I can afford this kind of setup, I know of one guy in singapore that hangs his guitars on wall all the time with the air con air literally 24-7, and even the strings feels as new.
Though I wish I can afford this kind of setup, I know of one guy in singapore that hangs his guitars on wall all the time with the air con air literally 24-7, and even the strings feels as new.

I have my guitars on the wall as well as on stands and racks. They are kept in a room with temperature at 25deg at 50%RH. Aircon set to run about 4hrs daily during the hottest part of the day.
Somehow, one of my Rickenbackers is always sticky even after polish , lighter fluid etc.
Others are fine. I guess its a one off piece with this problem. But the dehumidifier does help to maintain the finishes of our prized possessions.
One thing I know is that nitro finishes must be kept dry and will not tolerate our humid climate.
Thanks guys - this is some grade A advice in consideration for our weather (which just seems to get worse everyday).

Wanted to add to what @RicFreak is saying here: Dehumidifiers are a godsend. Though you have to be careful to monitor it, lest you dry out the wood.

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