how do you guys write your own songs

After writing for a while, I find what works for me is this:

A strong single line which I can sing to.

For example:

(Singing) "She sells seashells on the sea shore"

It actually highlights part of the story of the song, that there is a female character, she's doing something, and there's a place.

Also, with a melody to complement it, you get something easy to work with.

You can follow up with,

"And she doesn't have any time for me"


"But no one's buying her wares"


"While looking out to the sea"

The trick is to come up with a line that would inspire, and a catchy accompanying melody. A "theme" line would also work:

(Singing) "Let's go back to the eighties"

Which then you can talk about anything with regards to that era.
I come up with the basic chords and melody line, then do the arrangement, like where "high" or where "low" points, and when u write the melody line try not to be too repititive and also try not to have the same rhythmic pattern for the verse and chorus melody line, otherwise the whole song will sound monotonous and the listener may not be able to diff the verse from the chorus. Lyrics are usually secondary. To me melody and arrangement are more important.
I usually have a topic I want to write about, or a melody in my head. I'll lay down some guitar tracks, and then some drums behind it, re record the guitar and then the melody over the top. I play what I hear. Play whats not there, not whats there!
For me writing lyrics, I just see what happens during the day and write it...if I see an auntie falling down, I write about it...a bird trying to be superman, write about it...but of course I focus a lot more on the rythm and stuff...