How did you decide what instrument to learn?


New member
As it is, I'm trying to decide between guitar and bass. How did you pick your instrument?

I really like both guitar and bass, but I can only afford to learn one currently. =\
the first time i saw a sexy electric that was on a poster, i knew that some day i have to play one. then when i was learning, i realised that the bass is much more seductive... :twisted:
learn one and you'll be able to learn both..
haha.. but of course if u learn guitar bass wont be your forte..
but you'll be able to play non the less.. =X
well, I'm interested in playing both bass and a matter of fact, I play both..just that I tend to play more guitar.

what led me to play guitar?

urmm....y'know....that day....a pick fell from the sky...and I had to save a I had to play the best song in the world....and the only instrument that is light enough around was the guitar.

I know, I'm such a pwnz0rx.
i actually started out wanting to play drums, but living in a hdb flat and hell broke, with my father classical guitar in the store room, i started to play guitar and yea, thats my story. haha :D but still ocassionally loves to go beat the crap out of the drums at jam sessions :P :P
For me, everyone I knew who was into music were all playing the guitar. I just wanted to go the other way. Bass.

And Chris Wolstenholme had a part to play in nudging to buy my first bass guitar, an Ibanez GSR-180.

Now I'm the proud owner of a Fender J Bass and a Fender P Bass.

Damn you GAS!!!!!!
'forced' to by my uncle wen i was 9. kena sit in from of him and learn black night-deep purple.

kip on playing for a few months the same song then tts it for me wen i heard of king diamond. there it start to interest me.

wished i played violin instead or piano.