Okie, me is taking a break from Proj...
On a quick thought, the merging could be done and I think it's kinda good. Even the OM could be merged into it.
But the title of the forum needs a change(?), else it would be perceive more like a Newbie Intro forum. Perception walkthru - imagine you view a person's profile/thread in the *NEW* forum:-
In any pages of the post:
There is always the intro/excerpt that the person wrote, right on top of the post.
The rest of the postings would be his progress.
Creation would be depicted as follow:-
I was hoping to find such a hack... (hopefully), instead of typing everything unstructurally, leading to frustrations..
1. There is button in the creation of post
2. This button would activate a pop-up window (form-based)
3. With specific field (fictionous from me) inputs like Title, Contents, Genre, Hours Of Practice, Progress, etc (which needs to be give some thoughts)
4. User keys in, submits
5. Either this would be transverse into the Posting Textarea, or automatically submits the window and transits like a normal posting...
6. All the information would be presented in like a normal post but formatted properly...
I kinda suggested this because I moderate a
Job Website... It's somehow difficult to get people to post job listings / resume excerpts in the format you want, which really leads to a hard time in reading and digesting...
p/s: Doesnt really seems like a quick thought though...

Not too sure whether this kinda hack exists (though I ve seen similar kinds though), or whether is it feasible, or whether is it more of an hassle? Lastly, whether users would commit to, and loves it?