Hotel626 for the password.. basically i see 5 digits..
3 8 9 4 4
i think that madman will tell us to add up or mutiple all the numbers to get a 3 digit code lah.. hhahaha..wa damn tough sia..
damn if i dun solve it.. i feel damn terrible! hahahaha

For the madman scene, just pay attention to the pics and whatever numbers they seem to portray. After that when you're facing the keypad, listen out for the madman; he'll say "Horse Hands Spider". Those are the three items you need to remember its numbers denoted (for eg. spider had 8 legs etc). Then try out the numbers in a sequence and you'll get it :}

It was fun, I loved the baby/kid scene~
oh really? hahaha.. okok i try out tomorrow.. its kinda late and i'm scared... hahaa..
i love the photo and camera stage.. and the madman one too.. haha.. puzzles!
how to get past stage 4 the stairs part sia.. i keep falling down..pain..

-.- and what is up with that kid lol
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yeah! i completed... hahaha.. thanks to sage for the password stage..
was expecting more from the last part when he in the car leh... dumb ending..
its been long time since i played such puzzle horror games.. love it.. thanks TS!
^ No probs :}

Actually, while we're on the topic, anyone here a fan of horror adventure/puzzle games? Stuff like Silent Hill, The Lost Crown, Scratches, etc?
Put on the ear phone and play is better

Saw is nice i always like the ending of their movie
got some kind of reflection
lol i dun understand the whole game...i play until the staircase stage....i think i skipped all the stage...can someone explain what we supposed to do for each stage?