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* SHOP AND DANCE! Music Spinning ALL Round the entire Event!

Catch these cool DJs Showcasing on 7th & 8th!!


*DJ Lil Jon (Youngest DJ in Singapore! You'll be in for a Treat!!)
*DJ Frey
*DJ Silverman aka The Indian
*DJ Jenny M
*DJ Mandy C
*DJ Denise Ramos


* DRUMMERS!! We have the BIGGEST list of Drum Sets on Slashed Prices and FREE Delivery is Provided!!! (Terms & Conditions Applys)

* SABIAN CYMBALS sets at your DREAM PRICES only for this EVENT!

* IBANEZ Crazy Range all the way from GRG Series to RG Series to S Series to EVEN PRESTIQUE SERIES GOING at 50% off!! No Gimmicks! Plus VERY limited pieces of J-Custom on that same DEAL!!!

* Witness the Biggest Range of Epiphone Les Pauls and G-series that range from all the colours in our Inventory!! Plus Plus Plus!! Left Handed Players are NOT LEFT OUT!!!

* FENDER Range needless to say, Enjoys the SAME DEAL from Squier Vintage Series all the way to the American Made Artist Series!!!

*LIMITED pieces of GIBSON VOS on both the Electric and Acoustic Range are Not Spared!

* And Definitely a lot more!!! We've hadn't forgotten what you had been asking and wanting! ;)

See ya in this Unique Event!

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it's on the 7& 8 Nov right?
cause Oct is kind of coming to an end...

and we have to pay 10bucks to enter 0.0?
Sorry. Typo on Poster.
Date is 7th & 8th Nov.

It's a combination of both the DJ show and The Sale Event, thus the admission charge.
What?! have to pay $10 just to enter for the sale??! Wth! We'll end up losing 10 bucks if we didnt buy anything at the sale... geez... scrap the DJ thingie... so we can enter free.. hehehehehe!! why dj? why not hire addy cradle to make a perf instead???! it'll be much more worth it to see addy than a dj.. haha! Just becos of tt DJ thingie.. have to spare 10bucks.. haiz.. guess i'll just pass..
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It's a Event to launch the DJ Courses in this new venue and to have more fun for all Swee Lee Customers, we decided to have The Year End Sale together with this event!
Drop by and witness the Youngest DJ ever to spin in Da House!

Music has no barriers! ;)
hmmmm.. anyway do we have to wait for the long queue again just to enter still?

It will be like the previous Sale Event, just that it's a Dual Event this time round, so there might be a chance of a queue.
Showroom is definitely beefed up like the previous event!! So Don't Miss it!!

It'll definitely be a Great Shopping Experience for fans of Ibanez, Fender, Epiphone, Gibson, Tama & Pearl!!! Don't Miss it! ;)
OK. My MFO membership card stated member since 11/08 and valid thru 11/09. So am I still an active member for this sales event and thus am i entitled for the free entry? SO members have to queue as well or members have a special queue like it previously does in past sales event?
As Stated, Admissions are FREE for Members and they will be allowed in thru a VIP entrance! (There will still be an MFO queue as well on a separate line)
Ok.. but i just want to know whether if my MFO membership still valid for the sales event. As stated in the card member since 11/08 and valid thru 11/09. Hmmmm...
Ok.. but i just want to know whether if my MFO membership still valid for the sales event. As stated in the card member since 11/08 and valid thru 11/09. Hmmmm...

For your MFO validity, you would have to call and check with the Marketing Dept from:
Mon-Fri (11am-6pm). Look for Ms Rong @ 6344 9916. She will verify for you.
Now thats absurd !! typical singapore uncle & auntie sale strategy... money first b4 you can view your stuffs and even when you know is time for you to pay at the cashier not to be surprise that the sales auntie or uncle would say having their hands reached upon you twitching their fingers towards him/her saying in a bad way as if you have owe him/her your day for the goods to get paid up. 10 dollars per entry for each person? sorry not for me neither i would enjoy the DJ but wait am i in st james power station or a full pledge musical shop?
How much would an epiphone les paul cost? I'm really look forward to this event man~ :)

There's gonna be a huge range dude! It really depends on the models but you can check with our crews these few days for the Retail List price and slash it by half! They would be please to show you what you can get for on the actual day! :)

But be there early and do catch our 14 year Old DJ on the set too yeah? :)

It's our 1st Launch on Pioneer's DJ Course which is why we took the opportunity to incorporate both events together with a good showcase of the new DJs! :)


This is the first swee lee sale to come around since i started learning guitar. Just curious, will testing be allowed? On the '08 mid year clearance sale poster it says no testing but nothing is explicitly stated on any previous sale poster nor this one.

This is the first swee lee sale to come around since i started learning guitar. Just curious, will testing be allowed? On the '08 mid year clearance sale poster it says no testing but nothing is explicitly stated on any previous sale poster nor this one.

First of all, thank you for your support! :)
The reason for disallowing testing during such an event is due to space constraint and time constraint, there would be a long queue waiting to get in and we have to limit the numbers of people in the shop for safety reasons. Thus , by disallowing instrument testing, more people could get in and enjoy the event.
As for products wise, warranty would still be given to all electronic parts of the products and Most of them are very brand new (only unpacked for the event). Thus you can buy your products at ease.

The terms and conditions will be displayed at the door in an A1 size poster during the event so that misunderstandings can be minimized. Customers could view them while they are waiting in the queue.

Feel free to drop the crews in Katong a call on Monday and they would be please to explain to you more on those terms and conditions. :)
aiyo later I pay $10 then the person in front of me take the guitar i want then how? i lose $10 and no guitar ah? comfirm that place havoc ah all fight
aiyo later I pay $10 then the person in front of me take the guitar i want then how? i lose $10 and no guitar ah? comfirm that place havoc ah all fight

Haha.. that $10 is for the DJ Event lah.
U can still watch the cool kids doing their cool stuff on the Pioneer CDJ!! ;)
I've seen them myself, Impressive! ;)

Fight ah? Won't lah. Got Bouncers one okie? hahah.
Go early and chances is that you may still grab your guitar in time! ;)
Thats why we are having a Wishlist here, so that we are giving only the Softies a higher chance in grabbing their dream gears! ;)