
strangely i do believe in horoscope.
most of them that you see and read and rough estimation.
theres alot you need to know before you can actually determine one's charactheristic.
its hard to explain. something about stars, planets, placements of each, the year, the date...

and no im not a big fan.. but seeing and reading too many of these stuff made me think back..
i think horoscopes are just clues that you need to decipher by one self.its just like mind games.

its true in a way that its not that obvious.
Agree,but they are like say 75% of the time true...Sometimes,hte horoscopes are just so mysterious and made it hard for one to decipher.
you can roughly gauge someone's character based on horoscopes, but yes like they say it's only 50%-75% most of the time. and ironically the ones who don't believe in the horoscope, actually go read up their own, and "act out their character" in a way which is different from their zodiac sign, so as to achieve higher chances of "inaccuracy" from people who try to read them..
On Tuesday, I read in MyPaper that I would be "needy" for the day(Ah well, when am I not needy). Thank you for stating the obvious huh.

My friend appeared a short while later clutching The Straits Times, so I insisted on getting a second opinion. They said: Your friends will be very helpful today in whatever you need to achieve.

Turns out only Mypaper was telling the truth.
read those in the Life Section Of the Straits Times, which I find most accurate compare to others.
SOMETIMES, it's just so true ! You know, after something happen or wat...
kind of freaky sometimes,
But yes, I do believe it to some extend. hahaha
On Tuesday, I read in MyPaper that I would be "needy" for the day(Ah well, when am I not needy). Thank you for stating the obvious huh.

My friend appeared a short while later clutching The Straits Times, so I insisted on getting a second opinion. They said: Your friends will be very helpful today in whatever you need to achieve.

Turns out only Mypaper was telling the truth.

If you think about it, your friend was helpful in helping you to achieve your second opinion. ;)
<br /><br /><a href="http://www.real-wishes.com" title=" ~ real wishes granted ~ " name=" ~ real wishes granted ~ "><img style="border: ridge 4px yellow;" src="http://www.real-wishes.com/images/wish-3.gif" /></a><br /><br />

This is true,if you believe in what you wished for.
Interesting topic.

I am personally facinated by horoscope. I find it quite useful to understand abit of personal traits of people.

Sceptics might think that, "I'm of this sign, but I don't think I am really how my sign is suppose to be", but it is really more complicated than that. A person's character is based not only on the sun sign (main sign), but the moon and ascendant sign as well.

Just a bit of info there :)
horoscope used to be an excellent conversation starter for me when approaching girls. haha.
but careful to draw a fineline between "pre judging" and "horoscope assumption".

girls get offended if you judge them before you barely get to know them.
girls get interested if you use highly accurate horoscopic assumptions to compliment their plus points.
and girls get scared if you end up reading them like an open book.

have fun
hahah.. well "Used to" because i'm married now... byebye singlehood.

anyway one more thing to contribute about this , horoscope/zodiac sign thingy. like for example, i'm a sagittarius, if i'm supposed to "get along best" with another zodiac sign person who's my age (shouldn't be age gap difference), but for some reason we just don't. also gotta keep the "CHINESE" zodiac sign in mind. i'm a boar, and often boars don't get along with other boars easily as they symbolize "fighting over territory" etc. btw chinese zodiac is another game, as there's different elements to each animal (water/fire/wood/metal/earth).

so wouldn't it be more interesting to roughly gauge someone's character just by knowing their date of birth and calculating chinese/english zodiac together? and it's usually entertaining and impressive for the women if you can tell them more than they know about themselves..

lastly before anyone gets mixed up, horoscope/astrology with astronomy, some may have came across a "13th zodiac sign" "Ophiuchus" (Serpent Bearer), the wiki pretty much explains abit. so if this is really considered as a zodiac sign, then I'm an ophiuchus (instead of sagit.)
Blueprint Bro, can pass down your knowledge about Chinese Zodiac to me, since you can no longer use it for the ladies? :mrgreen:
hahah alamak, that one you can google what! the hard part is memorising and telling em onspot!

I often use horoscope to remind me of things that I got to watch out for to avoid problems in life. like I almost don't get along with virgo/gemini guys , girls only ok as friends... often disagree with scorpio/cancer etc. last time, i'll always be highly attracted for virgo women for some reason but the result will always turn out disastrous haha so this is the main one I always keep in mind.. and quite often taurus (no offence to taurus girls, but i gotta say this, they got insane libido) girls will often glue to me, but i freedom fighter cannot tahan the "shackles"..

and guess what I was googlin' around , and I came across this :


based on past experience with every zodiac sign , it's just too scaringly accurate haha , my 1st and last relationship with a libra girl = the one i'm married to.