they prolly need to do up a check list for discussion first, before another 66 years to go just to evalute whether is it logical
1) Does locale music promote racial harmony
2) Can we sell locale music as part of the uniquely singapore image
3) Will the accent be accepted as locale touch or simply unlistenable
4) Is pop culture in any other part of the world being used in history text for teaching
5) Is the revivial of certain sleazy rock music by some bands trying too hard to sound angmo but look like comedians instead, a selling point of locale music
6) Whats the percentage of locale music that contribute to annual gdp
7) Is it healthy for mind and soul development when in touch with local music, for the growing up age group
8 ) Will the wild image of rock music result in younger generation looking like monkey instead of spending time for music development
9) What sorta carreer path can there be for musicians in singapore doing locale music
10) Can national pride be nutured thru locale music
11) Can locale music lessen homophobic behaviour/attitude among older and younger generation to bridge the widening gap and thus encourage more love, less hate, whether being straight/gays/lesbians/trans gender/shemale/whatever thusthe possibility to repeal section 377A of penal code
the above just what i can think of right now, feel free to add in more and perhaps, a start to more good years...