Hi to all Softies Members.

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i think u have been given far too many chances already by the softies here. and this wad, your fourth of fifth or maybe even sixth username?!? azri, concentrate on your studies man. my sis has told me lots of stories about u in school, so ya, go and get paper certifications first instead of posting here. not i wan to be mean, but fellow old birds here would agree you've gone wayyyy toooo farrrr.

cheers (and dun flame me pls, lol!)
aye lesspaul. don't go for the paintball lah.
expensive leh. i actually wanted to consider it. but knowing the prices of paintballs. my pocket too shallow. :(
Yes I agree with teokiatuan. What papers? If you're still schooling and in Primary school you don't even have PSLE. If you're in Secondary you don't even have an O level. If you're in Poly...you don't even have a Diploma. So....many are still without papers and got nothing to do with posting in a thread.
velvetrevolver,that was quite a personal attack on the guy..that`s not a nice thing to say.
you could keep this in private right?
i don`t know him and what he has done to annoy everyone but,i think that it`s not right to mock someone like this on a public forum.

just my 2 cents worth.....
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