Hi, Im Biopromax


New member
I know, I was too engrossed with soft that I forgot to even intro myself.
My name is Raman, 20 this year. Been playing Drum for quite sometime.

A drummer in a band called ShoeBox. . So if theres any advise on drummings, or making a band sounds thight (dunno how to spell) , do message me or start a thread. hehe.

So anyway, thanks for reading up my introduction. Hope to hear from u bout my band name. what u think of it? haha..

ok . chaoz!
Happy Softing!
Hi, welcome to Soft!

Haha, shoebox sounds cool! What type of songs do you guys play? Hope to hear your band play too.

We play green day type of songs. and Amber Pacific too. Those types.

In the making of 4 more originals, then go recording studio and demo.