Hi I need to help to buying a new guitar


New member
Hi everyone, can someone tell me which electric guitar should I get? i'm a newbie to electric guitar though i have some experience playing the acoustic. im into punk rock and those rhythmic grooves. Any suggestions to where I should buy from? My budget is below $500. Hopefully, im able to include an amp with that price also. *haA*
It is very hard to get deccent gear with that budget. You can go davis can try out their samick guitars and go to luthermusic to get marshall mg15. May exceed $500 by a little.
marshall_law said:
It is very hard to get deccent gear with that budget. You can go davis can try out their samick guitars and go to luthermusic to get marshall mg15. May exceed $500 by a little.

say if i'm gonna exclude the amp from the budget ?
what do you think of Yamaha guitars ? I'm thinking of getting the Pacific series cus the body looks quite nice. Anyone here uses Yamaha guitars ?
Kelvin said:
what do you think of Yamaha guitars ? I'm thinking of getting the Pacific series cus the body looks quite nice. Anyone here uses Yamaha guitars ?

I'm not a fan of yamaha. Over priced for such quality. Ibanez are quite cheap. Swee lee sells couple of them.
that's pretty good money, fwiw i bought my epiphone goth g-400 for around there, excluding the bag(with it it would be about 520?).

go look around at maybe davis or sweelee, i'm sure you'll find a guitar that you like with that budget.
With the help of many expert here, I've got my guitar 2 weeks ago. I got a Samick SG for $260 and a Samick AG100 AMP for $95. :) And now I spend my morning rocking my neighbour up :p And in return they cow pay cow boo at me :lol: I find I am getting more interaction with my neighbour nowadays. :lol:

What i gather is, for a beginner there is little different from one guitar to another. By the time you come to know more you will probably know how to add more garget to enhance the sound.

Again based on what I gather, Yamaha Pacifica is a safe bet. Initially I though of gettign one but I don't like Strat. I also find double humbucker have more solid tone. That is why I hv choosen a SG.

I think Davis is a good place for budgeted stuff, but if you have a thin skin, choose only talk to a young lady and ignore the rest of the people in the shop. Davis also have a wide choice of model and make. They even have a machine gun model (I guess only terrorist will buy it :lol: ).

Happy shopping
Haha.. thanks for the replies. I had a guitar hunting spree today. Went to Music plaza at PS, then hopped to Swee Lee and ended up at Davis.


Yamaha Guitars at Music Plaza
The body is attractive and stylish especially the pacifica series. I tried to play the EG112 cus it was the cheapest guitar available. The sound was average, nothing impressive. There's occassional distort sounds probably due to the cable wire that connects to a cheap amp. The rest of the guitars I tried (the more expensive ones) feels good. I like the neck cus its pretty slim and very much playable.

Swee Lee
I'm sad to say that most of the electric guitar designs are either too dull or wild. The budget ones really look very cheap. The average price of one cost about 500 - 600 bucks. I feel the constraint there.

The first thing I saw ain't the guitar but that pretty girl serving by the counter. (Haha.. I guess everyone who shops there never fail to look at her) The guitars at the displays are an absolutely NO NO ! They come in weird shapes and sizes. Their average pricing ranged from $150 onwards. I didn't get to test their guitars though cus I had a bad experience last time when I played and did not buy. Overall, the guitars offered didn't seem very attractive, except for the price of course.

I'll get a Yamaha guitar.

I hope this doesn't sound too dumb to you. *bLeah*
If you havent bought the guitar by the time you read my post, I would suggest you buy a second hand guitar and amp. The reason is its cheaper and its very likely you may develop a certain style as you gets better in guitar and will want to get another guitar that suits you needs.

The classified ads section of this website and the one at www.luthermusic.com are good sources for second hand items. Be sure to do some market research to decide if the price is reasonable.

Last but not least, it will be good to get a knowledgeable guitarist friend to accompany you when checking and testing the used guitars.

Hope this helps.
there are 2 starter packs @ Swee Lee- Ibanez/ Squier, maybe you missed them/ have checked them out? these are decent entry level units good enough to get you started.

have you checked the new squiers out?

like the good people here suggest- if you don't mind used stuff, there are plenty online. get back here if you need more info on them, we'll be glad to assist. good luck... 8)
Kelvin said:
I'll get a Yamaha guitar.

I hope this doesn't sound too dumb to you. *bLeah*

Nooo... don't get the yamaha. Yamaha is not well know for guitars. I've tried one and it is the pacifica. It does'nt play well. The pickup not as good for the price and the fretboard is dry and the whammy doesn't work well. Even a craftmen strat win the yamaha.

there are 2 starter packs @ Swee Lee- Ibanez/ Squier, maybe you missed them/ have checked them out? these are decent entry level units good enough to get you started.

have you checked the new squiers out?

Get these instead. They are good guitars.

If a yamaha was the last guitar in this world i would play banjo.
I'm also Anti-Yamaha. Only their Motif Snyntheizers are good. Their guitars sux big time. I will never buy Yamaha Guitars in my Life. But their AG Stomp is not bad. Squier is cheap and decent for live gigs or jamming but not in the studio. It probably wont last long though. You might as well buy a used Fender.
Colarndo said:
I'm also Anti-Yamaha. Only their Motif Snyntheizers are good. Their guitars sux big time. I will never buy Yamaha Guitars in my Life. But their AG Stomp is not bad. Squier is cheap and decent for live gigs or jamming but not in the studio. It probably wont last long though. You might as well buy a used Fender.

am i able to get a used fender for around $300 ?
I've got a really old yamaha. It's their low end model. For 10 yrs+. Still sounds good. Tightened truss rod, all springs loaded. With an eq pedal, it's still got crunchier tone than most people i've heard. Sometimes it's just how you do it.

300 fender? Kind of difficult even 2nd hand. The first guitar you ever buy will probably suck, but just get it first before the fire burns out... :)
I’m not a yamaha fan but the SG 2000 are great guitars, I’ve tried them & they are up there with Gibson & PRS. The entry level ones aren’t to my likings, they are at best, playable.

I am of the opinion that Yamaha make better basses than guitars. I wonder why the standard differs so much between the 2…
All the High End guitars are good. But the low ends have limited use and may not perform up to standard in Recording Situations.
Why don't you save up a bit more before plunging in? Saving an additional $200 - $300 by waiting a month or two can get you a 2nd hand MIM strat or an Epiphone/PRS SEs or even a SZ Ibanez with better tone/better finish/better playability.
i have to admit that yamaha ain't fantastic but its something that is acceptable.

i agree with veganbleu.Your first guitar will never be ur best guitar.

Get a cheaper one first.Maybe around $500.A yamaha will do.If you save up for a longer time.You will find a guitar that is more expensive.It will take forever to get ur guitar and sooner or later u will decide to forget it.

Yamaha has the ocassionally nice guitars but they usally dun have a nice grain for the guitars.Especially for the acoustics.