Haha.. thanks for the replies. I had a guitar hunting spree today. Went to Music plaza at PS, then hopped to Swee Lee and ended up at Davis.
Yamaha Guitars at Music Plaza
The body is attractive and stylish especially the pacifica series. I tried to play the EG112 cus it was the cheapest guitar available. The sound was average, nothing impressive. There's occassional distort sounds probably due to the cable wire that connects to a cheap amp. The rest of the guitars I tried (the more expensive ones) feels good. I like the neck cus its pretty slim and very much playable.
Swee Lee
I'm sad to say that most of the electric guitar designs are either too dull or wild. The budget ones really look very cheap. The average price of one cost about 500 - 600 bucks. I feel the constraint there.
The first thing I saw ain't the guitar but that pretty girl serving by the counter. (Haha.. I guess everyone who shops there never fail to look at her) The guitars at the displays are an absolutely NO NO ! They come in weird shapes and sizes. Their average pricing ranged from $150 onwards. I didn't get to test their guitars though cus I had a bad experience last time when I played and did not buy. Overall, the guitars offered didn't seem very attractive, except for the price of course.
I'll get a Yamaha guitar.
I hope this doesn't sound too dumb to you. *bLeah*