Hey, Suggest some Blues Chord Progressions


New member
Hey all, can u all help me out by giving me some chord progressions :D

the movable chord type.

woot blues progressions damn nice. but u have to FEEL the blues too. not just technical.then u can repeat it in all the keys. shiok
ya phanto, trying to get a lot so i can play those and get u guys to solo over it, imho blues progression easiest to solo :D

the current one i'm using now in the key of G (i think correct me if im wrong)

Gmaj7, Amin7, Bmin7, C7, repeat. :D
12 bar blues is the easiest type of blues

in key of A

can make things tastier by adding a turnaround to replace the last Am7 :D
well it kinda got boring after me repeating it at home 123017427301231 times :D

how does one make a turnaround? by messing arnd in the blues scales?
first, u might wanna try opening your eyes wider, using your brain to process that this is the gear section and playing styles, techniques or choice of chordal progression do not belong here..
all that snow.. in my eyes... cannot see thread..

wheres the move thread button btw?

i was trying to move it..
here's a hendrix style i learnt that uses 9ths.

B9 B9 F9 F9(x2)
G9 G9 F9 F9
B9 F9 B9 G9

i improv over with Bmin pentatonic. :D

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