Fav character: peter and claire..
They both have a very strong connection throughout the whole show.
Future claire didn't look so great with that brunette hair..
anyways, watch-heroes.tk is hosted by dailymedia which means if u wanna download it, it is in FLV format and not in HDTV.
i get my episodes from this website called
www.oliv3r.net but u have to be a member of the forum and have 10 posts to view the downloads or u need to wait for 2 days till they post it up to the webstie..
but the direct downloads are super slow and usually i get cut off after waiting for three damn hours.. Imagine repeating the download more than 4 times and still the same results!!!! so i practically gave up on direct download hosted by website hostings like rapidshare, sharedzilla and all that...
i'd just go for torrents, thousands of seeds, a hundrede more thousand leeching but the download would usually take up tops 40 minutes...
but if anyone else knows where to get them Heroes episodes in LOL-HDTV.avi formats do post it up..
and can't wait to see hiro's dad in swordmanship action....
** spoiler ** SCROLL DOWN TO READ!
U guys wanna know what's the TRACKING DEVICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!