help urgent!

guys i got some noisy non-true bypass pedals, i got 2 of them. so can a true bypass looper help eliminate the problem? my signal chain is guitar>Arion Para EQ>byoc od2>Big muff>tremolo>Carl Martin red repeat>amp, which is grounded. the first and last pedal is the non-true bypass pedal, so if i put those 2 pedals in the true bypass looper, can it eliminate all the noise? I don't mind hums, but the noise is like, "kkkrrrrrrrrrrr shishhhhhhhhh" then it screeches. i'm also using noiseless patch cables and cables.
True bypass and noise issue are 2 rather different issues. Unfortunately, true bypass looper is not going to solve any problem on noise issue.

A true bypass looper is nothing but a mechanical switch within that pass your signal from input jack to output jack, without going thru any electronic component that may affect the integrity of the signal, heard as a loss in volume, frequency etc.

As for the noise, is it hum, loud hiss or hi pitch feedback. All these are pretty much different things and have different reason for its cause.

Imho, best way to test, instead of adding more things in the chain, start by having only one pedal in the signal chain(aka the noisy one). Set to the setting that you are using, test and listen to any abnormality. After which, slowly add in another pedal, test setting on the pedals and so on. Add a pedal at a time, test the setting and check on which combo caused the issue. After identifying the combo that might cause noise, try different setting that might lower/eliminate the noise.

Do take note that if stacking any gain pedal(aka overdrive, distortion, fuzz etc), theres a need to balance the gain setting, if not, loud hiss, feedback will occur, due to the severe increase in signal strength beyond unity gain.

Anyway, have fun troubleshooting. Part of the fun come from having problems and solving it. As for buying stuff/adding more gadget in your signal chain to minimise/eliminate noise issue, hehe, if got extra money and knowing what you wanna, just go ahead. If not, for a start, isolating the problem pedal by itself and test from there is prolly a good start.

Oh, lastly, using noiseless stuff aint going to be noiseless most of the time, especially when theres gain pedals involved. Each stage of effect can add certain "noise" to the signal chain and when going into a distortion pedal and going into amplifier, these "noise" will be amplified as well, to audible range.
The most effective method to reduce or rid the noise, imho, is to find out the cause of it. And usually, there will be a reason for it. From gain setting to adapter issues to faulty circuit etc.

Hehe, its hard to think of a solution when not knowing the actual cause for the noise. All that i can suggest, pretty much general ideas to find out. Do try it first and see where it's going to lead you.
my noise issues are now very limited thanks to you path. the noisy pedal is the vintage arion para eq, and having the big muff at hi-gain setting didn't help, so I just lowered the gain, and vuala. thanks mate.

although my delay pedal causes a pop sound when on, and somehow it affects all my other pedals, pop sound when on, before they didn't do that. any ideas? but quiet when i off the pedals
glad the thing working out for you.

those popping footswitch, one of the most common cause is due to difference in potential between effect on and effect off. What some do is to add a pull down resistor(huge value from 1meg and above) on the footswitch where its connected between the input and output of the effect circuit, thats causing the problem

For these, best is to consult effect techie, pay them to do the job. Even though it aint a difficult thing to do, but if without any knowledge of it, it can be pretty much alien

In the situation that you mentioned, its possible that theres at least one pedal which is having this popping issue and causing it to relay down the effect in the chain.

Just like the noise issue, try to isolate pedal first, find out which one could be the one having the pops, then combine with another pedal, play around with the sequence of connection to test if theres still popping etc.

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