help! save my face!...i need some cool lick+solos!


New member
yo man...i really need help! everytime i go to test a guitar...or play with friends or show others wat i can do...i reallly have no idea wat to u all have any solos or licks that sounds really cool?...i don really need fast stuffs..even those very slow but got lots of feel de also can...
lol! at least he is honest about having such a concern..haha...yea, for friends, play smoke on the water, they will say, wah! u so pro ah! but dun play any solo, cos when i play solos(i like Slash, so its always GnR), they ask me, "why so boring ah? can play simple plan song or not?"... 8O
Play wt yr teeth, behind yr neck, behind yr back...sure to be impressive,...take it from me lah... :lol:

Just play anything you feel comfy cuz if you play a cover song, tendency is that some people might jus pick up another axe & wage this invisible "Guitar War" with you, leaving you clueless & most probably - STUNNED!!

That's how I feel bec I've experienced it b4 :)
just play kuih pisang or Bah Bah Black sheep......sure ppl impress becoz no1 daring enuff to play tat hard riff :wink:

everytime i test guitar with some random chords and licks, my frens will either ask..

'Eh u can play dammit? dammit?' or 'Eh u can play *insert random pop song title*?'

:roll: :roll: :roll:
i fully understand your plight...wahhahaha!

can play sponge bob ending song also...hehe...its easier than punk rock...but everyone's happy when they hear it... :P
headwan said:
can play sponge bob ending song also...hehe...its easier than punk rock...but everyone's happy when they hear it... :P

eh u noe the riff....can teach me?
lol, its so dang easy, i learnt it b4 i got my first electric guitar 2 years ago...just listen the song...haha...
in case u realy dunno, try on thin E string, 7-6-7-9-7....and u can go figure the rest from there...then add the bass E every time u play finish 7-6-7-9-7(provided u have no bassist playing with u...) hahaha...
woah....if u realli pull off No Boundaries by Michael Angelo....ur fren wont try to pull of anyting fancy......ahakz

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