help! problems wiith tube amp (hissing/crackling)


New member
hey guys,

i'm having issues with my tube amp at home. its not really an huge issue just something that i've found myself stuck with due to insufficient knowledge on how to rectify it.

here's the story!

guitar > amp (no issues)

guitar > dist. pedal (keeley ds-1)>amp (crackling/humming) BUT this goes on and off, as though the issue comes from the cables like when i move

i tried the 2 cables individually plugged straight into the amp from the guitar and both faired well and only has this problem with the pedal.

what could be the reason for this?

i've narrowed down afew but can't seem to find any answer online.

1) tubes in amp too old. stock tubes from way back in 2006. = problem? dont know anything about tubes and how to change them to achieve my sound

2) im using just a regular cheap patch cable to connect the head to the cab

3) cables i bought last month have issues. (canare)

any input will greatly help me!
what could be the reason for this?

i've narrowed down afew but can't seem to find any answer online.

this is why. plus it may be something else that's affecting it or maybe a combination of stuff. i've listed what are possible suspects but it may not entirely be its fault. even if it was, i'd like to hear from another party on their take.

Have you ever thought of trying the pedal on another amp, since the problem only occurs when it's in the signal chain? If the pedal is the one causing the problem, get it looked at.
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yeah i did. but i dont have another amp. i switched to another pedal and has the same problem. but it only occurs with dirt pedals
So you have problems with the patch cables or pedals, but want to find out what is wrong with your tube amp?

My guess is not the tube amp

(seriously though there is nothing we can do, just test combinations of different patch cables and pedals and you will find the culprit. Don't try and look for imaginary problems with your amp / tubes)
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seriously though there is nothing we can do, just test combinations of different patch cables and pedals and you will find the culprit. Don't try and look for imaginary problems with your amp / tubes

i already did. otherwise i wouldnt post something up here asking for help. i've tested it on a guitar > dirt pedal > amp. no patch cables used. cabels works fine straight into the amp. but have issues when dirt pedals are plugged. dirt pedals tested, ocd, ds-1 keeley, cool cat. it can't be all my dirt pedals have a wiring problem and i'm certainly not going to buy another dirt pedal just to test it out.

so if its not cables, its either ALL my dirt pedals have problems or my amp's the culprit. so blaming the tube amp isn't quite a long shot imo
Pedal power supply?

Is there the same noise if you plug in a pedal to the amp, but NO GUITAR, and then turn up the gain on the pedal?

Also not sure what you mean by "guitar > dirt pedal > amp. no patch cables used". So you used longer instrument cables?
Pedal power supply?

Is there the same noise if you plug in a pedal to the amp, but NO GUITAR, and then turn up the gain on the pedal?

Also not sure what you mean by "guitar > dirt pedal > amp. no patch cables used". So you used longer instrument cables?

yup, 2 instrument cables. guitar to the single dirt pedal, and from the pedal to the amp. both are canare cables just bought last month. at that point of time i didnt want to use my one spot so i powered it using 9v batteries.
It could possibly be the guitar. The moment I look at the posts, I already guessed it could be the guitar. I think something is not properly grounded OR your pickup is just naturally picking up hiss and the distortion in your pedal actually ALSO boost the noise frequency.

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