help on find a stereo to mono converter for ipod classic~?


New member
unfortunately deaf in one ear after an accident...:rolleyes:

even more unfortunately im using a classic which does not have the mono conversion option in setup as to touch or nano

found out theres such converter on google, tried a few places but no luck on finding the it.

oh dear it would be such a drudgery to convert all my music to mono

thanks in advance
im looking for a plug that can downmix 2 channels into a mono one,
so both left and right channel will come out from each earpiece
almost forgot to type : welcome to SOFT

i rarely deal with mono plugs, they're all badly oxidized.

but what I can suggest is if i'm not wrong it should work this way :
ipod > 1/8 stereo out > 1/8 mono male to 1/8 female mono TS > earphones.

at $20USD is a little ridiculous, go to simlim tower or simlim square (my favourite shop : #02-68 Suang Huat Heng, everyday till 6. sunday till 5. but depends on his mood.) based on what i suggested ask him if it'll work just to be sure.
if handy with soldering, a connector similar to the monster connector can be diyed with couple of dollars for the 1/8 inch stereo plug and stereo jack(where internally, will be wired to function as "2 separate" mono path instead).

Theres another easier connection which doesnt need the connector, but requires cutting the cable of the earphone and resoldering it back. It wont look good, but it will definitely work.

Along the cable of the earphone, theres 3 wires internally. 2 of these wires carry the left and right signal while the 3rd one is the ground wire. By combining the 2 wires which carry left and right signal(twisting it together), we will mix them into a 1 signal path and 1 ground. Next just need to solder it back, put a heatshrink around the area of soldering, it will be a diy-ed mono earphone.
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