help! i'm having stage fright!

*press darth vader's red button* come out laksa
*press darth vader's green button* come out pokka green tea... :lol:
Someone told me, to imagine the audiences as naked peeps. I told my friend that, he say i became gay.

Another said, imagine them as potatoes. I find that quite retarded. So i still get stage frights. :(
i think u can look at the back or at the floor. although i hardly perform, when i present my project last year, i look at the back or at the floor haha. it works! just pretend they are NOT there
haha no i didnt :P

but it's basically how u deal with audience starring at u. i can look at audience but dont see their faces cleary :twisted:

just imagine that the crowds are family..

or ur bestfren.. smile at them... make eye contact if u can... juz kill the fright feeling.. think positive... if u have practice alot and then maybe it will turn out to be great... if juz that u think alot and u're thinking the negative sides of performing... :wink:
Imagine the crowds are potatoes, tomatoes and the occasional banana... :roll:

Or just wear really dark sunglasses 8)
damnit. if i wear sunglasses or DUN wear my glasses, cant see nuts man. which means cant even see my fretboard. LOL
stage fright

well.. be thick-skinned if you're not. hehe! but remember that you're up there to entertain, get connected with them and give people a hellava gooood time.

and i used to do this too: look at the space behind the audiences first. once you feel comfortable, look at the audience. actually it's amazing to see the expressions on their faces. you'll see some of them smiling and some just starring straight at you, especially songs that you're directly giving them some kind of message.

mmm... those are my sec school experiences. i dunno about performing at gigs leyy. hehehehehehhe!

well... imagine if you were the audience, what would you expect from a performer?
last time i perform scared until cnanot eat and want to vomit, that time i as drummer somore. i so scared until that i double pedal faster than i do in jamming.. i dont realise after i saw the whole performance back on vids.
mmm add on, when im in shops, i tend to lower the volume of the amplifier when im trying guitars. -.- like a phobia, scared the ppl beside me look look then laugh at me or something =(
The best way to overcome stage fright anxiety is really to play gigs more often. If this is your first gig, do a dry-run by performing a smaller set to family members or friends. Even something as simple as that can sometimes be a challenge.
just look you're looking into the audience but actually you're just looking in the general direction...

and just have fun...planting peoplethere who support you is essential too..

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