help! i'm having stage fright!


New member
can anybody give me some tips on overcoming stage fright.
my band is participating in streetfest & this is my frist time performing in front of an audience. they don't know that i'm nervous. i don't wanna spread the anxiety. helpppp..............
dont worry dude...its ok to have a bit of that feeling...its just give u tat extra rush in ur blood..but once u r there performing, u wont have time to thing abt it...u will just think of having fun and when u know u sound rite u juz wanna do more....time flies very fast when u are up there. dont worry dude...and just dont think too much abt doin mistake n being paranoid...tat will just make u feel more nervous...juz play like what u have been doin in the jamming studios etc...
thats all i guess..

thank u very much
Move away from the crowd and to a small corner on the stage. or just simplty look at your instrument. Remember to smile at all times and look like ur enjoying urself.
if got opportunities, quickly find chances to play in front of less threatening crowd, eg. parties, get-togethers, etc. :rock: the more you play in public, the faster you will get over stage fright. :supz:
if still nervous (some people just are!), just don't think too much lah. :smt105 sometimes "thinking" makes it even more frightening than it truly is.
just go up there and whack! all the fear will disappear! all performers go through this! we pianists also suffer this everytime we go for practical exams also lah. :wink:
Hey dude, the thing about stage fright is not the audience, but yourself. One thing I learnt is to stare blankly at the audience and see nothing. It helps if there are stage lightings that practically blurs off the audience. No matter how frighten you are, try to put up a smile, and that helps a lot. Moving your body a little as ou play helps loosen up, so once in a while you may want to turn to your fellow band mates on the left & right.

Most important...go up there and do the hell out of it.
hifi_killer said:
wear a cap that sorta restricts your view of the crowd, it'll help i think.
Slash wears his top hat for the same reason

i thought his hair alone is long enough to cover his face from seeing the crowd...just do the pontianak pose :roll:
It's inevitable that you'll feel some nervousness before going onstage or waiting for your turn to perform...that part is the killer. Worse if got good bands playing before you *lol* But once you got onstage and the playing starts, treat it like a jamming session, make eye contact with your fellow members and not worry about the crowd at all...

Once you have some experience in gigs, etc, you'll grow to love to perform in front of an audience...that is when you can work on your showmanship making eye contact with audience, moving around, grooving with the beat, and interaction with the audience, etc....

In time to come, you'll get to the stage where you'll get excited and thinking about ways to wow the audience...or just indulge yourself in the playing totally and don't care for a thing in the world...hahah...

All in all, the more places/gigs you've played, the less nervous and more settled in you'll get. Of course, there'll be exceptions...hahah...I do get a bit overwhelmed once in a while even after playing over 20 gigs :lol:
The-Warlord said:
Remeber, in battle, fear keeps you on edge and alert.

fear will lead you to the darkside of force my friend,may the force be with you :twisted: :twisted:

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