Help change perceptions on local music at School Invasion 2011!


New member
Do take sometime to read this as this is what we are essentially about. Gonna try to keep this as short and sharp as possible.

One of the main objectives of the tour is to expose singaporean talent to our youths and change the long standing perception that local talent is inferior.

This can only be achieved if we put the best bands/artists/singers/dancers singapore has to offer up on stage for every single one of our shows..

It is imperative that we not squander quality as we do not want to reaffirm the long standing prejudice against local talent.

If you have talent in music, dance or photography and you want to inspire our youths to believe that local talent is not inferior. Send us an email at schoolinvasiontour(at) with your bio and some samples of your work.

If you have talent that you want to suggest to us, post them up on this thread.

This IS a PR campaign, it's time our voices are heard and we will inspire the coming generation to believe in their hearts that local talent is NOT inferior.

Once this perception is changed, a sustainable market for local talent will emerge and hopefully, over time. Full fledged careers in the arts become part of the rule, no longer the exception. :)
Hey guys,

Thanks for sending in your applications. will be looking through them all and replying very soon.

Please bump this thread. so other bands have a chance to see this. Thanks
hasn't the perception changed? i think the younger generation these days support local more than the older ones who are stuck living in the mindset of "growing demands" period.

local talent is not inferior, it's the people who perceive it to be have inferiority complex.

come to think of it, if a thread "Who think locals have no talent? speak up" was posted how many people will actually post? I'm afraid it's as subjective as the typical singaporean who disses everything around him/her but has no guts to speak up because life is easier having a cup of shut the fridge up. and like the syndrome people will post big words behind a monitor/alias.
local talent is not inferior, it's the people who perceive it to be have inferiority complex.

If they themselves are performers then yes i suppose they have inferiority complex otherwise i dont understand your point.

If the perception has really changed musicians would be able to make a living off playing original music quite easily.

Like you said there is no point being "keyboard" warrior. We are here to help solidify a market for local music and we are here to try our level best to do exactly that.

We don't want a union or anything like that for local musicians we want to create a market place where local musicians can survive playing their own music.

That will be the first phase. original bands to make money constantly and steadily the same way cover bands do. How the market progresses from there we address when we get there.

Not keeping quiet, no big words and certainly not hiding behind a monitor/alias.

Syed Hyder
Invasion SG
West Grand Boulevard
i have no point to prove, therefore there's nothing to be understood. I was just wondering cos I don't hear the whole "local no talent" thing as much as I used to.

if musicians can make a living off their passion easily, all of us are millionaires with our reality checks.

pardon me but it does seem you misunderstood what I said as I was directing at you instead, i'm not saying anything against your aim. I am however letting skeptics who are reading this and you-know-who-you-ares to know that they are eventually turning "minority" now.

keep up the drive cos I've heard of this school invasion quite a while now and everything strong foundation is when you start with the young.
Hi Syed, good luck to the 'tour'!

We just have to keep on doing it. I am sure with all the contacts, you will be able to make this a nice one.
pardon me but it does seem you misunderstood what I said as I was directing at you instead, i'm not saying anything against your aim. I am however letting skeptics who are reading this and you-know-who-you-ares to know that they are eventually turning "minority" now.

keep up the drive cos I've heard of this school invasion quite a while now and everything strong foundation is when you start with the young.

Thanks for your vote of confidence, we will do our level best! =)
I still wonder what is the tour about, I mean what are you going to do in the tour. After tour, what other media that the student could look for if they are curious about it. I don't join cause, I'm not performer.
Hi Syed, good luck to the 'tour'!

We just have to keep on doing it. I am sure with all the contacts, you will be able to make this a nice one.

Hey James, Thanks! We are working to see this through and will need all the help we can get. Your community helps us achieve this as well so we have to thank you for the hardwork and effort you've been putting into soft all this while. =)
I still wonder what is the tour about, I mean what are you going to do in the tour. After tour, what other media that the student could look for if they are curious about it. I don't join cause, I'm not performer.

Hi kongwee

That is an extremely good question, we have systems in place for the other media's that a wider base of youths may be interested in.

The full details of the tour and how we tie everything together will be launched very soon. Right now we are laying ground work.

After you see the full details you will see how you can be a part of the tour. Just to be clear we of course cannot cater to everybody at the start then we would be losing focus but we are glad to say we have most bases covered.

If you like what you hear after, do drop me an email. we could use more help pushing the tour on the ground.
I've got a suggestion here. Have you heard of this interest group called Replug from Republic Polytechnic?? They are a talented bunch of musicians who are versatile in their music. Playing instruments in their most basic forms, acoustic. Check them out :) http://www/

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