HELP! cant record vocals.


New member
Hi i just bought a Presonus audio box and at2035, and i cant seem to figure out how to record any vocals. in cubase 5 and on the software that it comes with which is studio one.
can anyone help me?
Let me you arm the audio track? Meaning the R is highlighted. Then you press the big red rec button to record.
I'm really new on cubase. what i did is, i open up a new project>project>add new track>audio> and after that i'm lost. i tried click the red button(record enable) and it seems like i'm not getting any input from my mic.

Hmm.... Not sure about cubase. I see stereo in/out. Do you select the correct audio interface? It should be somewhere under device. After selecting the audio interface. Open a mono track with input 1(assume mic on input 1). Then try again. On Studio One, it is about the same too, and the layout is easier to understand, IMO.
About the studio one. The problem with it is, I can't get it to record. I can hear my voice thru the headphone connect to the audiobox but, when I try to click on the record button nothing seems to happen. It stay at is. I don't know if I need to press combination of buttons for it to record.
Really appreciate you helpin me thanks bro.
marchale : welcome to soft. congratulations on your new purchase.


2) get your plugs right first.
mic > xlr cable > audiobox (phantom power +48V on) > USB > computer > DAW.

-if i'm not wrong it should be bus powered (powered via USB)
-make sure it's not plugged into a USB hub. best if it's back of the computer or direct usb port.

3) Make sure ASIO drivers are installed well.

4) power up your cubase DAW. under Devices > Device Setup > VST Audio Bay (or there'll be any parts that allows you to choose your audio interface/soundcard. make sure presonus audiobox is OK.

5) press F4. this is where you configure your presonus audiobox's inputs and outputs.

under inputs , your audiobox has 2 inputs. #1 and #2.

under Output just put Stereo Out will do. your presonus has only 2 outputs.

*No audio input still? like I said, check +48V / Phantom power. AT2035 needs phantompower.

6) create track , arm + monitor track (the little yellow speaker) to record, and go.

Really appreciate It thanks bro, I'm goin to try it out.
Another question, I've try using audacity to see the quality of it and I'm getting a lot of background noise. Is it natural to have background noise on it? Or it'll be less on cubase? Really sorry for the noob questions.
you have cubase , stick to it. audacity can't mix well. background noise = make sure your preamp levels are not set too high. turn off fans,aircons/windows etc, anything that makes noise.
I've tried all the step and i still cant get any input from the mic?
where can i find this buttons? "arm + monitor track" cause all i'm gettin when in click on the record button is straight line.
