Hello~Wanna sing properly


New member
Hi all!

I'm a noob at music. No background but I do play guitar recently. My true interest is singing, guitar is just to complement it. I feel like my voice sounds like mickey mouse or young boy. I'm shy but I wish you guys can help me how to improve. :(

Anyway, that is my goal. Here's a proper intro, I'm a guy, currently waiting to graduate from private uni. Most of my free time is spent on singing+guitar, movies and projects. I like to play darts, trampoline jumping, watch movies, eat chicken and play with cats. I love cats but now I'm becoming a bit scared of them cos it's been so long since I play with cats. I wish to go to cat cafe' but no kaki. Go alone is a bit pointless. Hope can gather cat lovers here and we can go there. :p

Hope to know you all here. :D
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