Having A Home "Studio" (Jam Room) UPDATED 20th Jun

Hey Phanto, wicked room you've got there...wish mine was like that, haha...so where do you sleep now?
private estate. its just coincedence.

Anyway anyone know where to pick up sponge for putting on the walls n stuff?

ranking sport at bras basah.They sell the foam or wttevr to paste on the wall..try there
Just a note, foam + carpets, stuff like that, it's more ACOUSTIC TREATMENT than actual soundproofing. It will make the room 'deader' by reducing sound reflections around the room.

The vibrations/soundwaves leaving the room won't be reduced, in fact, as a result of the room being deader, you might even end up playing louder.

My $0.02 :wink:

either that or you go and kapoh some of those foam padding used to pack tvs or home appliances.. cut to shape and stick on the wall :lol:

But didn't you guys watch Mythbusters? Apparently a piece of cloth (bed-sheet size) being held over one's head could fool those sound-wave motion-sensors being placed in high security areas. 8O

Not that I want to encourage theft, but the idea is that the cloth alone is able to absorb the sound waves. Sure leaves you alot to think about aye? :wink:
i started putting egg cartons up on the walls also. looks pretty neat hah. the sponge i bought was one inch thick from art friend. 6 pieces of 1m by 1m. really huge, the tape cant even hold it down.

dude...listen to weckle-x...

by doing all the stuff people are suggesting, you're just changing the reflections in the room...dont forget your trying to cut it down the levels outside the room.
heh. you can fill your room to the roof with foam and wear carpet suits if ya want to but your wasting your time and money.

the main thing that cuts sound outside the room is air. A one inch airspace between walls of different mass will cut the sound transmission by half.

Theres no cheap way of doing what your asking...with this subject you get what you pay for.

Not trying to totally discourage, just trying to be realistic. It would suck if you went through all this effort for nothing but reduced reflections.
hmm... my recommendation would be...

step 1 - skin yr wall (optional)

step 2 - bulid an artificial wall(gypsum) on the weaker side of the room (those wall facing the neighbour), suspend alittle air gap

step 3 - put in alot of rock wool

step 4 - put yr cheap egg cartons to cut the reflections

step 5 - go dunlop st and buy super super thick drapes and hang ard yr room

step 6 - thick carpeting the ground.....

there is a few alternative for step 6 (depending on yr budget)

- buy cement and thicken the ground
- buy proper suspension to elevate the ground

so that would be all..... if u guys still need help... u can leave me a pm... i am willing to go over and check out the place..... i am quite free these few weeks before my sch starts again.....
Rigid fiberglass is good too. I am currently constructing my home studio by getting equipments one by one.

We all gotta somewhere, good luck on that!
i agree with Dolmont on certain ground but having that air gap might not isolate your sound by half, it still depends on many factors.

if you are isolating just doing vocal well that's not very difficult as it fall in middle frequency range, however mid bass and low bass will be difficult to isolate.

dont just stick foam on wall, it will not work. You will need to treat 4 areas.
1 floor
2 wall
3 ceiling
4 door and window plus any opening as air-con

look up Green Glue at web, they teach you how to do it like studio. :idea:
I shifted Downstairs to unused room in my home and,check it out! my own usage mini-studio, self created. using polyfoam High density. And double Glazed Glass.

Glass Window, to stop sound from travelling out to the other room, and also to look inside/outside =p

Yamaha electric grand/synth very fun to play with! 500+ different sound sets.

My trusty fender tele, and 2 johnsons 15watt tube amps(REAL LOUD)
Delta Audio Active Speakers x 2 Tama Swingstar Set.

Crate 25watt Bass amp, delta audio speakers, and my behringer Mixer.
Peering in thru the window*

my swingstar, and aircon!
the polyfoams took real long to cut down to size and put up. HARDCORE work.

Its more for shielding off sound for the inhabitants of the house, it does absorb some sound too.