Have you guys heard of this band "Cute is What We Aim F


New member
Yes it's me again.
So i had this awesome deal to
1) Attend a live recording in Tribune Studios (Hollywood) of a Direct TV (Kinda like our Cable TV,to see it you have to subscribe) segment called "CD-USA" on Channel 101 as a background audience
= jump around and clap and yell and head bang etc.

2) Get paid USD$7 per hour. The taping took about 2.5 hours.

And the bands that played were awesome.
- Cute is what we aim for - the next upcoming pop-rock band from Buffalo
- Veruca Salt - A little heavier, you guys might find them interesting. Female singer/guitarist, 2 guys=drummer and lead guitar and a very very cute and sweet female bassist
- Grand Bel Fisher - Piano-rock. Lead singer looks like a girl, kinda like the Hanson guy. Didnt really like them.
- And this band no one knows.....SWITCHFOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!

SO, i was 1 meter away from Jon Foreman, lead of Switchfoot. Basically i was right in fron to the stage, the first person in front of him. And had the best view of the entire band in my face.
People would pay hundreds of dollars to be that close to switch foot, but i was PAID, and pretty much shook hands, high fived, push him back onto stage in his little "i look like i'm about to jump into the crowd but i'm not gonna" act.
He even handed me his guitar to hold on to while he got all "high" and started grabbing a cymbal(+stand) and a stick and started hitting the crap outta it. It was like a super high point jam session of the song. He really tortured the life out of the cymbal.

The band played 2 of their new songs in the latest albums, soon to be released.
I must say i was very impressed by the very multi talented Filipino American Jerome Fontamillas, a guitarist/keyboardist of switchfoot.

BUT what i wanted to say was to ask you guys to check out "Cute is what we aim for". Some of you guys hate pop-rock emo whatever bands like Fall Out Boy and Click Five. But some people rank Cute in this category too.

However, i was impressed by their motive in their songs. If you check them out, they have very intellectually provoking lyrics in their songs, which is rare in music nowadays, especially these genres.

They have only been around since 2005, and they won PureVolumes Battle of the Bands only after their 3rd gig together! And soon after came the flocking of the record labels wanting them.

Check them out. I think their biggest radio/MTV friendly, and most potential hit is their song "Curse of Curves". Go check them out!

Your Singaporean Unknown-Bands-to-look-out-for Los Angeles reporter signing out.

Bands to Check out
Cute is What We Aim For - www.cuteiswhatweaimfor.com
Melee - www.meleerocks.com/
One Year Yesterday - www.myspace.com/oneyearyesterday
theyre very pop-ish, and catchy. i dont reckon most people on soft would like them but they have some pretty cool songs. try Newport Living.
Yup, they are.

Yup, they are pretty poppish, i agree. And sadly, pop sells, and thats what labels here in Hollywood are looking for.

And yes i am a Singaporean in Los Angeles.
Veruca Salt? You mean they're still around?

One of my favourite female fronted bands. BEST!
what's wrong with pop? :( Though Cute is What We Aim For isnt the smartest name...

Sure people here won't like pop/emo/whatever nonsense but I love you for that. bring on more!

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