Have I got the first Boss Micro-BR in Singapore? :)


New member
...ok - probably not.

Anyway, I got one and it's totally AWESOME. I will post some sound clips soon and a mini-review.
sorry to steal your thread.... :D

Quick qn: Why choose the Micro-BR over Korg or Zoom? (Particularly when Citymusic is having a sale... hehe)
Have I got the first Boss Micro-BR in Singapore? (with clip)

Track "Micro BR and Your Friend" at (stream only for today until track clears)


..the first track I have created using the Micro BR to learn how it works.

Backing track - Yamaha QY20 Sequencer

Guitars (all direct except 2 &4 thru Bad Horsie)
Clean intro: Fender Strat
Main lick start and finish: PRS Cu 24
Solos 1 & 3: Gibson Les Paul
Solos 2 & 4: Ibanez S

Extraneous noise - too lazy to clean it up. :)
Micro BR can't do fade ins/outs
Hard to edit short sections (less than 1 second of sound)