Hartke Or Crate????


New member
To all my bass brudders....pls help me decide to which amp should i get for home use...range ard 30-50watts...music style frm progressive to basic rock....Hartke or Crate????...i just can't bloody decide!

In dilemma!
if you ask me i'll get the Crate .. i think personally it sounds nicer .. performs better also ..
I'd get the crate, but personally for home use it doesn't really matter. As long as it puts out enough low-end clearly, I'm all for it.
for home practice, think i'm okay as long can hear sound liao lor!

sorry i use a peavey microbass. loud enough to annoy the neighbours. :P

if u cant decide, go for majority vote ya?
Hartke man...... folks should hear it loud, better definition, can tweak more and gives you more if your bass already has a great tone to begin with. Its cheap some more....
thanx a lot guys....but i'm using an active bass so is there two different inputs on the amps?...or like is there specific type of amps one for active and one for passive....

In Dilemma!
Well some amps have the different inputs to deal with the fact that some active basses have very high outputs etc. (Though this is the case with some passive basses as well lol) But otherwise, even with an active bass, you can simply plug it into any amp.

Beware of small 15 watter amps though, they may not handle the high output very well. Me advice is to get at least a 25 watts... besides, if your amp is too tinny you won't have the satisfaction when you are playing even if its just at home.
one vote for harkte. My friend has a crate amp for electric guitar, at high volume it distorts easily.. sounds like farting

duno if its the same for the bass ones
im currently using a 15w crate amp. has quite high output level. it sounds good on lows but den on highs, abit pitchy la. but overall still fantastic. been using it for 2years and still going strong. :D
haha.. yea. crate isntbad. but i'd rather get a hartke. try out one in city music or luther. sounds good.

otherwise a vox would begood. a big sound for its size.