'Hardtailing' Locking bridges.


New member
Hey, i've recently acquired a guitar with locking bridge. wanna find something like a tremo-NO.

I've seen tons of other stuff around too which are cheaper. Any comments guys? And which is available locally.
Only similiar item available locally is the hipshot trem setter, but that requires a lot more hassel to install than the Tremol-No. Plus, its function is different from a Tremol-no: it will NOT convert your trem to hardtail or dive only. It merely stablises your trem. Also, if you understand how the hipshot trem setter works, there is this "catch" when you use it, very irritating to me.

A point of reference for the trem setter, should you want to try it, is the Ibanez S series with the ZR trem. They have a system similiar to the trem setter.

The T-No is, as of now, the most hassel-free to install. Anyway, its not overly expensive, around $120 will grab you one.

Or maybe you can buy it off me.
or you could always cut up a piece of wood and wedge it between the body and trem, works fine, but best not to do any whammying after that, can hear clunking noises
nothing related to your reply but i remember Parker guitars have this locking/nonlocking mode on their trem. correct?

and also wilkinson have something like this. correct? memory failing me.
parker? Not sure, I know steinberger has trems that do that.

The wilkinson... if I recall, the locking mechanism was activated by swinging the trem arm back, and there you go, hard tailed.
ShredCow said:
parker? Not sure, I know steinberger has trems that do that.

The wilkinson... if I recall, the locking mechanism was activated by swinging the trem arm back, and there you go, hard tailed.

ahhhh.... then its the wilkinson! yesh! nice trem those. Like em on the higher end pacifica that I rewired long time back but i don't even know how to use a trem! hahaha...
I believe they are long disconitnued... i don't recall reading that they were awesomely good but they might have been!

Funny thing in music/guitar, good stuff always gets discontinued. :roll:
go to www.ibanezrules.com

Its basically getting locking tremolo posts.

The Edge and Lo Pro Edge had locking tremolo posts... where there was a small screw inside the trem post, that allowed you to lock it down.

Edge Pro and the current trems do not have the locking stud.

People can argue day and night whether it makes a difference, since when the trem is tensioned, the trem posts should NOT move... but it does hold the trem posts in place if you ever take the trem off.

For the price, i say get it. In a locking system, any part that moves has the potential to knock your tuning off.

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