Hardcore Band Seachcing For VOCALIST AND BASSIST!!Take A Look =)


New member
hey check this out this!!...

Hey all,
My Band Are Seacrhing For VOCALIST(Screamer/Gore) And BASSIST For Hardcore/Exprimental/metal Band who can play his/her instrument well. Our musical direction is more towards HARDCORE and Exprimental. but we also intend to do other genres. Influences are Blessthefall,A Day To Remember,Asking Alexandria,This Romantic tragedy,and many more..

It'll be good if your age's 19++ but if you're not, it doesnt matter that much as long as you can play and COMMIT, and don't have any MOODSWING or emo tendencies. We plan to compose songs in the near future, but we're starting out with covers of course,but we have 3 original song juz need u guy to edit it up and 4 original come out soon . Its pretty serious stuff, so yeah, COMMITMENT is really important. Oh and you gotta have your own equiptment,if don`t have its ok juz give it a try..

If U Wanna Hear How We Sound Lyk In Our Old Band (rip) Follow This Link www.myspace.com/oncomingtragedy

So if you think you fit the bill,hit me up at msn or email me Or fb =)

SO AR U IN?? =)
Hope To Here From U Guys..We Are Really Look Forward For Recording And Perfroming Gigs....