H4n help


New member
I recently purchased a Zoom H4n & I'm very new to audio recording stuff. I was wondering is it possible to configure the 4 track mode such that each mic records a separate mono track? Then I'll have 2 mono tracks to work with for stereo. Thanks!
I only have experience with the H4. but from what I remember playing around with the demo set at citymusic, configuring to record individual mono .wavs on the sd is not possible. you would still have to split them in DAW. which I assume you would want to have such control for "panning" (narrower image) etc.

should be possible too if you configure your DAW to record audio inputs 1 + 2 separately as 2 monos.
yes, 2 stereo files will result, but you can extract their L and R channels individually on the computer when editing to get a total of 4 mono tracks
undryoasis : should be able to, just turn off the "monitoring" of the microphone inputs. and it becomes a really bulky taser looking mp3player. don't go within vicinity of any airport/authorities who are not familiar with audio technology you may get suspected of possession of illegal weapons. had my fairshare stares when I first bought my H4 and was using it as an mp3 player after a recording.