H-S-H config PUP replacements


New member
As the title goes, anyone of you guys have replaced Pups on a H-S-H? I have an Ibanez and wanna change the V7-S1-V8 pups. What have you guys got? Any advice, tips, reviews would be gr8!
What tone are you looking for?

Your Ibanez is an RG right? What trem? Basswood body correct? Rosewood or maple fretboard?

But if you want a quick answer, get a Viper set from www.has-sound.com
Why? Because they rock and everyone who has gotten them all agree they rock.
hey im trying to get answers to the same problem too!
vipers are high output right?
My rg is basswood rosewood fingerboard maple neck. Looking for something vintage sounding not too high output. :D thanks
ive replaced my hsh from my ibanez rg with:

emg 81/85 zakk wylde set
the middle ive replace wit a emg sv

found it to be a versatile set up.
The 85 in the neck with the basswood body, gives a nice warm sound, without being muddy.
81 can get real brutal distortion while remaining tight.

nice od tones can be acheived as well. just use less gain on the amp and roll back slightly on the tone knob. Im using the bridge 81 for this.

For more bluesy tone, combine with the single in position 2 or 4, without going pass the 9 o clock position of the gain setting

overall very happy with my setup. im using a marshall valvwstate 65 as my main amp btw.
You can custom a set from stan, he has lower wound pups like the kashmir, zen, etc. If you want to go all vintage, get an alnico 2 set from him. Just pop him an email, he will guide you through your decision.
bro has a charvel similar 2 ur ibanez. he slopped in a diMarzio pro track in middle, evo in bridge n breed in neck. sounds great.
hmmm... allow me to introduce another aspect of pup-o-logy.

The feel, response, compression, nature of pups.

I don't the journey for great pups end with just, "they sound good".
A pup can sound good, and most of them do, its just one's preference and tastes that dictates whats good to themselves, on the other hand, while sounding good, it can feel yucky.

Evo2 sound really nice. They do. But they are very compressed. I didn't really like the feel, or rather, the lack of feel. Very compressed.
And it affects my playing.

So while half the battle is won with good sounding pups, which are everywhere, the other half is in the way the pup reacts to your touch.

HAS Sound's pickups seem to achieve that for me, the feel of their medium-hot output pickups have killed all the Dimarzios I've tried. And I've tried 1 ton of them... or was it around 12? Hmmmm....
ya i agreed on that comments ...
din like evo too..i feel its a bit shrill or boxed..
now im moving to duncan..for duncan its a bit more raw kinda feeling...
shred ...can demo the HAS pu...???or bring along Phil im kinda curious on the tone...
yea man.. do link us to ur clips.. it's hard to find the right pup (in terms of feel and all that).. cause you can't test them..
Yea, that's why we keep buying from him. :D I might be selling my viper... Dan, want to trade your gold poled viper for my silver poled one? :D

Or, if you aren't shy, and you don't mind imposing on him, which isn't very nice, you can send your pickup back to him to make changes, if it's still in a good condition. Shipping's on you though.

I've never liked dimarzios, and I prefer duncans, but ever since I've tried stan hinesley's pickups, I'm hooked. His pickups have this certain feel to it, like what shredcows said. Every other pickup sounds choked and restricted, but his pickups sound alive and monstrous. Maybe because it's hand wound. Yes, they are all hand made.
SanXP, hehe... Call me or something, lets discuss.

I've got Vipers in a mahogany body guitar, a Yamaha maple center with basswood wings and a Viper7 in a RG7621 (basswood).

Despite the woods making the Vipers sound different there maintains a good level of consistancy and most importantly, the feel is there. It feels alive, like there's this slight "lag" when you play on distortion.

For Samples of Stan's pups... go to his website, under the pups section, this is a link to comments and sound clips.
You are welcome to contact me, arrange a time/day to come try my guitars too. Thats why I have a SHARE thread. ;)
hey man, i prefer to test the pu in "real live testing" coz listening to clips at times seems not accurate enough..

u cant get the feel frm listening to clips..
Exactly, thats why people have to just buy to try. ;)

Dude, just contact me if you wish to try. Can book a jam studio to just play around. $15 and you could be on your way to a better pup.
Yea. Call me along if you wanna try Alnico 5s too. SH pickups in short, sound very open, very unrestricted. All these are in the attack and decay characteristics of the pickup. I've never liked the JB Jr paired with the viper, there's a very obvious change in tone. The JB Jr has a muffled attack and a very slow decay. The viper, in comparison, had a very clear and crisp attack and very musical decay. The scorpion in comparison has nearly the same characteristic but the frequency focus is more to the midrange, due to the alnico 5. Alnicos when used in pickups are very vocal, the midrange they produce is what a human produces. Ceramics on the other hand is harsher and very cutting, great for blistering metal stuff. Apparently, alnico reacts to the current going through the coil to give a more reactive feel because it is conductive. Ceramic on the other hand is non-conductive and does not have this reaction at all. I can't really tell tho. Scorpion and Helix, the tone is nearly the same, except that there's this mushy feel/sound when the neck (helix) is used. Viper and Helix, ask dan, but I liked it a lot the last time I heard it.

The above is written regarding using the pups with distortion. I don't listen to clean tone.

Dan- I'll call you tomorrow.
sanXp said:
Viper and Helix, ask dan, but I liked it a lot the last time I heard it.

Might be due to the (less) mahogany in the Saber too.

The Helix sounds very fine to me... just that, due to being alnico, its perhaps too rounded for me taste. Otherwise, the key word is sweet. You can do those, hollowish neck pup rhythms that Satch likes to use recently.

But yeah lah, just come try try... I have peculiar taste in tone one, very strange so yeah. Better not take my word for it eh? ;)

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