Guitarist looking for jamming buddies in NTU


New member
Hi all, I'm a student at NTU staying in the halls, and am just looking for other musicians who might be staying in NTU halls who might want to get some people to jam with. Commitment is variable, I'm just looking for a fun time at the start, and if we do have a good thing going we can choose to get more committed later on.

As a guitarist, I am quite versatile and can do fingerstyle/acoustic and rock/metal as long as it's not too advanced a song (e.g. Racer X, Some Slash songs). Can do Muse well, and GNR with some practice, to name a few songs.

PM me if anyone's interested =D
hey guys. im from ntu too. but i don't stay in hall. im a drummer. same thing here, can't do songs that are too fast/advanced :)
Hey awesome, 2 guitarist a bassist n a drummer alr, sounds like a gd plan =D.

I guess the first thing to ask would be about location: I have a portable amp and can travel around, how about u guys? I'm sure e1504 may face some difficulty with a drumset so we can try jam studios near NTU if there's a portability problem.

And of course, we have to talk about song choice!!! What artists do u guys like to jam to? Everyone feedback pls, I'll start the ball-rolling with the ever classic Muse =D
im from NTU too but i dont stay in any hall anymore~ doing my last year currently..
need vocalist? can only do vocals, not sure with any instruments~ what type of songs you have in mind? jrock or jpop or korean in the list? really interested in that genre =) dont really like metal music so sorry!
hope to hear from you,
hey guys. i'm more of a english song person. i play mostly pop/rock ballets etc. no metal, jazz for me. i like muse too! can play some of their famous songs like time is running out, hysteria, plug in baby, starlight.

as for jamming place... can we jam in NTU? is there like a studio or sth? some hall have a studio right? can we use them?
Hey jamztermy, how about this, throw us the names of some of the songs u like/are proficient at/willing to do, and we can feedback if we know the songs, or at least check them out on sogou or something to see if we're comfortable learning the songs. Still in the planning phase, so nor concrete setlist yet, let's expand our music libraries =D. Oh, and I do like L'arc tho I have to find their tabs first, X Japan is quite killer for lead guitar tho, I'll take months to practice their songs, lol

And e1504, agreed on the basis tt normally metal and jazz are the harder pieces to play. Even if anyone of us wants to attempt it, I say we push attempts to later jam sessions after we get a feel of each others' styles, hope evri1 agrees =)
Yup agreeable =)
actually any songs will be good but i guess jpop songs are currently looping where ever i go.. oh songs like..
"K-ON - Don't Say Lazy",
"Full Metal Alchemist - Let It Out".. most songs are from animes~
or even "C.N Blue - I'm A Loner"..
songs that are really catchy and emphasize quite abit on the instruments..
if not then other songs may be fine too.. but no metal please =)
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I'm for doing easy, even brainless songs for a start. Nonsense that's overcovered like Starlight, Creep and Californication will be a good start, I think. And my equipment's all in hall, so I'd prefer not to travel too far from NTU. I'm playing for Hall 12, but sorry folks the room's only for hall usage.
ya. agree with trowaclown. im fine with kings of leon, best coast and the verve as well. as long as the songs are nt too hard.
Hmmm i will just provide the japanese songs that are slower paced =)
another song to add on may be

Stephanie - FRIENDS

most of the anime songs are sung by gals so i guess singing it will have to either one octave down or some keys down.. just love those catchy songs~
Hi all, I'm a student at NTU staying in the halls, and am just looking for other musicians who might be staying in NTU halls who might want to get some people to jam with. Commitment is variable, I'm just looking for a fun time at the start, and if we do have a good thing going we can choose to get more committed later on.

As a guitarist, I am quite versatile and can do fingerstyle/acoustic and rock/metal as long as it's not too advanced a song (e.g. Racer X, Some Slash songs). Can do Muse well, and GNR with some practice, to name a few songs.

PM me if anyone's interested =D

hi is this still on-going NTU peeps? =)
Okay then maybe we should find ppl to start this thing going! im fine with any songs but then more inclined to more jap pop/rock songs~ maybe you can creating a post on the main page of the forum? looking for NTU peeps again? for fun jamming and like-minded ppl who wants to find such jam bands.. and giving them a chance to create one? =) will be really great since we re all from NTU and we know that TESTS and EXAMS and FYPs re all stacking up sooon~