Guitar & Vocalist teacher needed !


New member
Hopes to find a teacher that can teach both guitar and singing together ...
I am a total new guitar player ... Preferably stays around the west side like Choa Chu Kang/ Panjang.

Hopes to learn basic stuff like tabs and chords reading... and ultimately sing and play with the guitar.

Can contact me thru 83830154. Thanks !!
I specilises in teaching beginners and is staying in dover. I do travel to my students' home for lessons if thats the preferred option.
A little abt me, I have been teaching and performing guitar (solo, trio, group) in Singapore for the last 3 years. This ranges from gigs, weddings, parties, pubs, bars, events, festivals. My private one on one session with you rate is fair and rewarding. To help you get started, you can learn from my blog and sign up for the newletter at