Guitar Servicing


New member
Hi, I was wondering where i can go to get Black Grover Tuners fitted on my guitars and also a change of pots, (preferably CTS 500k vol and 250k tone) and input jack?

any shops to recommend that carries the items / serivices?
yes, I am well aware of their existence...
But do they have Grovers ? or any other worthy tuners?
i was hoping ppl can reply with anwsers rather than questions. pardon my inpatience.

I think pots and jacks should be a common item.
my main concern is the tuners... i just want good ones, those with good turning ratios. Maybe someone can tell me which shop stocks any of those?

oh yeah i looking for black ones only
The shops at Pennisular should have Grover tuners. Check with Maestro or Davis.

Also, in the event that Grover tuners are unavailable, bring one of your guitar's tuners down... so you can get another brand and compare to ensure it will fit your guitar.

For the pots and jacks, I'm not sure abt CTS but there are Dimarzio parts available from Swee Lee or All Music, Gotoh parts are available from Davis.