Guitar screws have rusted so badly they can't be taken out.


New member
Today, I just realised one screw attached to the pickguard and one screw controlling bridge pickup height have rusted so badly that they cant be turned at all. Anything I can do to remove them?
lol i would pretty much like to know too lmao i think im having that problem too just that it's on my allenkey hole
Well one of the screws still have the "+", so I think its stuck because the corrosion is stuck to the pickguard.

But the other one doesn't really have the "+" anymore so I'm not sure how I'm going to get that one out.
Or you can try some epoxy. Put a small amount onto the screw head, do not let the epoxy get into contact with the pickguard. Let it stand for a while. When's it's become semi hardened (not completely set, yet), use a philip screw driver to imprint the + on the epoxy and then let it completely set. Once completely set, you can try to remove the screw with the screw driver.

The other way is to drill thru the screw head (just enuff so that the head would come off and leave the shaft protruding out of the wood, remove the pickguard and use a plier to turn the remaining screw out of the wood. Use a HSS drill bit the diameter of the screw shaft.


zesn, this stuff is magik I kid you guys not! a dream for diy restorer.. haha

imkeith, yes I got it quite cheap at a small local hardware c u m thrift-store.

wow if it's really as you guys say thn it's too good to be true haha gona go check it out later at some nearby hardware store.. :D
And while you're at it, why not invest an impact driver too.
Can also use something like this one, for that gentle knock on the + head!



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