Guitar player or a collector??


New member
Salutations to all musicians out there

I'm new to this thread so bear with me (Lol)

Have you ever wondered why suddenly you have so many guitars lying around your house?
Should a true guitarist have only one or two guitars with them to play gigs, studios or recordings?

This question suddenly pop up in my head. I have this problem I am crazy for vintage guitars I can't help myself. Be it if the condition of guitar is poor I will still buy it. Recently I was in Cash convertors (AMK) looking around I saw a fender accustics guitar (DG 7) selling for 60 dollars. Can't believed it after much inspection of the guitar I saw a nasty crack on the neck that is where a normal person would just put the guitar down (laugh it out thinking for some poor newbie who would buy it) and leave.But that doesn't happen for me sadly. Why I ask myself the love for it is too much for me to bear. My Mrs was nagging nagging why so many broken guitars (EXACT WORDS) and I only played one guitars that is Jackson PS1. The rest was like touch and go kindda think. To think of it my PS1 got a nice crack on the neck but it was repaired by Guitar workshop back then in the 90s Guitar workshop was the only place that I know which can repair or modified guitars

Some of you guys might ask how many guitar you own bro??

I own 15 electric guitars,7 accustics, 3 classical and a bass and one more a violin until now I ask myself why violin you down play violin. Ranging from 2k to 50 dollars. Age wise I dare said 30 to 10years. I got a fender which is the same age as me (34) no intentions of bragging just wanted to share my gears which I own

Now a days I have hard times touching my guitars (if that were my wifes they would already ask for a divorce (LOL))my misses didn't like me to play guitar when she is around not because of my playing but for other reasons which she didn't say, and she always around!!!! (LOL) I dun really understand myself sometimes why I have this kind of infactuations toward old guitars. I dare said I don't even paid my bills on time just to get an old guitar

Do you have the same problem as me? Or I'm just the only one having one?
the only truth out there is the truth that we can justify with what ever reason and lies we can come up with and wanting ourselves to believe in

Have you ever wondered why suddenly you have so many guitars lying around your house?

coz i gotten out of school, got a job, worked days and nights, read too much guitar forum and chasing after the idea of wanting only and not focusing on writing music

Should a true guitarist have only one or two guitars with them to play gigs, studios or recordings?

there is no definitive answer to this. It depends on the needs of individual and the way their preference of sound, context of music arrangement and style etc.

heh, in local context, i would define folk like Thomas leong as collector. The rest or most of us, are just guitar enthusiasts/players

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You mentioned you don't even pay your bill just to get an old guitar... so it could be a psychological disorder, compulsive buying disorder maybe.

But GAS (Guitar/gear acquision syndrome) happens to many of us. And that is what's keeping this forum alive, i think.
It is a real problem if you neglect bills just to buy old guitars.
Do talk to someone trained in this; help you with your mind.
I have 1 classical and 2 acoustics and I am already having a hard time dividing my time between the 3, I can't imagine you having 20+ guitars, how to even begin to choose which one to play.
I am gassing for another acoutics badly, but I have managed to hold it off because I constantly remind myself that 3 is all I can manage, I don't have the stamina to handle 4.LOL.
Do you have the same problem as me? Or I'm just the only one having one?

I guess there are many having the same problem , suffering from GAS.
Just different forms and degrees.

Guys like subversion and whitestrat have tons of gear and they have no issues with space, missus, playing time etc. (Or do they? :rolleyes:)

I do share your kind of obsession, but not only vintage. I love ltd eds , signatures and archtops. My problem is that I find it very hard to sell my gear even though I don't use them. As a result, these gear are pushed aside and forgotten until the next spring clean.

Let's PM and share some pix :-D
Guitar Acquisition Syndrome is a "disease" particular to guitar lovers. I guess folks like us have to pause every once in a while to ask, "do i really need this one?", "can i afford this?", "will i regret it later?". Getting another guitar when you oredy have tons of them lying around is almost always an impulsive act. Just learn to resist temptation and walk away. When we are more sensible, that guitar does not have so much attraction anymore. BTW i am not an armchair counselor. I am a fellow GAS sufferer! After many years, part of the rehab is to give away the cheaper ones and sell off the more ex ones.
Used to have 15, now down to 7. Pretty good, huh? Can be done with a bit of self-control and discipline. Good luck!
GAS is good news for sweelee.

its fine being collector, but it isnt so good being a hoarder, a compulsive one. Compulsive hoarding is highly related to OCD.

Obsession : Do you have intrusive thoughts about buying guitars that cause significant anxiety and distress ?

Compulsion : Is buying these guitars a way of alleviating the distress and anxiety?

Do you recognise that these obsessions and compulsions are excessive?
hey bro you not the only one i also have the same problem as you i buy,sell,trade almost every month i can find new axe in my room.Like you i also put off my bill just to get the guitar i want infact i am considering another one while writhing this.Tryin hard to control myself the worst is i work near those guitar shop and very easy to drop by there at lunch everyday.Got to stop goin to those shops.
Balance is the key. As in, the balance between:
Acquiring playing skill & music knowledge, and acquiring gears.
Managing finances on family/priorities, and managing finances on gears.

We should put our daily basic needs and family relations as priorities.
Once you have that well taken care of, go for your interest (in music/guitar) without compromising the former.

Know the difference between what you want, and what you need.

If you are a hobbyist, you probably need only a few guitars, and you probably need good quality ones. Of course, if it is within your means, you may want to own many guitars, and you may want to own those expensive guitars.

If you are a professional musician, you probably need more than a few guitars, and you probably need those expensive & high quality ones to put your playing in a good position.

My 2 cents.
Thanks guys
now I know the meaning of GAS.It is just to hard...sometimes. Well at least I have some friends in soft who is giving good and supportive advise. Most importantly I'm not alone. Thanks guys

For the guys who have the same problem as me should post their threads here we can talk it out they are some cool and awesome guys which can give good advise here.
I won't go and say it's wrong to own 20 guitars, but personally I will never do it, even if I get a good paying job. Currently my gear of an acoustic + electric + tube stack + 1 pedal is enough for me. I feel that even if you're a recording artist, you don't need so many different tones. It's all about how you mess around with what you already have. Tom Morello put it best. One day he just got sick of all the stuff he kept buying and selling and just went, screw it, I'm going to use this amp and these settings and stick to it. But RATM still made great music back in the day.
damn... you guys are making the whole GAS concept look like a highly depressing psychological disorder......:(

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