Guitar Mod questions


New member
hey guys, I'm feeling an impluse to upgrade my axes.
I've been hearing talk about changing the nut and the tuners.
May I know what are the options out there with regard to these 2?
And the advantages of the various mods?
Thanks in advance!
i think vaiyen doesnt want to modified his guitar into a violin.

dude ever considered a graphtech nut? a pro set up? or even a new strap?
just some ideas...
i've got a new setup and a new strap. now I'm thinking of something more detailed.
What does a graphtech nut do, could I ask?
What kind of guitar do you have?

The tuners should only be upgraded if your guitar is a non locking trem guitar... because the locking trem has fine tuners to handle precise tuning. Otherwise, just go for the same brand as your current tuners, just get the better versions.

I got the top of the line Gotoh Delta tuners with 21:1 tuning ratio... a higher tuning ratio makes accurate tuning easier.. you don't have to slowly turn your tuner bit by bit...

For Graphtech stuff, do a google on it, and check out their website. Maestro guitars beside Guitar77 stocks graphtech stuff.
there's a lot of stuff u can upgrade to.. but there're always advantages & disadvantages to some of them.

stuff u can upgrade - graphtech nut, saddles, string trees, locking tuners.

graphtech nut - never installed it. too troublesome.

graphtech saddles - like subversion had mentioned somewhere... they're black and might be visually conflicting with ur strat. imo it beats vintage saddles thou.. and the ones u buy come nicely with the good amount of screw height so they don't protrude.

graphtech string tree - i did install one b4.. not sure... other than kinks i dun think there's much to it.

u can have a look at the stuff i installed on my friend's guitar here:

locking tuners - no hassle with the locking nuts if u dun like it. personally i dun like locking tuners thou... seem my friend's locking tuner go loose with washer coming out & stuff. u might have to drill new holes as well.
thanks for the help once again, Dan!
so am I right to say that better tuners serve solely to make tuning quicker? how about stability?
Better tuners in what sense? Check the tuning ratio... that's how "sensitive" the tuner is to turns... so you can fine tune better. Of course, that also means, you got to turn a hell lot more when restrings. ;)

Stability is not an issue on higher end tuners. Check stuff like stew mac for info on some tuners.

And if install properly, tuners don't come loose.
hm it's under the learn more... but anyway here's a copy & paste of the text:

"Utilizing new, breakthrough technology in polymer engineering, you'll never again have to worry about breaking strings.

Many guitarists actually feel they play better and with more confidence using String Savers Saddles. Go for those wild bends, player harder and more aggressively, dare that string to break!

Try String Savers for 45 days, we guarantee a dramatic, (and we mean night and day DRAMATIC), increase in the life of your strings or we'll refund your money in full.

Many of our customers are extremely hard on their strings, world class caliber in the string breaking department and were breaking 3 to 4 strings or more a night!"

Then 2 graphs are provided:

Graphtech - 17.66s
Steel - 15.16s
Brass - 13.85s

String Endurance
Graphtech - 7093 plucks
Steel - 3458 plucks
Brass - 1087 plucks

"All tests were performed with model PS-8000-F0 String Saver Saddles using a Fender Strat guitar. Sustain tests are averaged over ten separate readings on each string.
String endurance tests were performed on all six strings using Thunder Thumb picking machine at 450 up and down strokes per minute. Strings used were GHS Boomer gauged .010 to .046. Steel saddle: Fender. Brass saddle: Schecter."
sounds f**King good man.
But I'm not not wrong, Graphtech has a whole range of saddles? Which would you recommend? How much do the roughly cost?
Do they fit on a licensed FR birdge?
hmm they have saddles for different models specifically - teles, various series strats, etc.

there's one for the FR one but interestingly i can't find it on their website. :(

Q Do you make String Savers for a Floyd Rose bridge?
A Yes! The model number is PS-8080-00... check the website for details.
[return to the question index]
Vaiyen said:
hey guys, I'm feeling an impluse to upgrade my axes.

If your guitar stays in tune well, there's not much of a need to change the tuners. A higher gear ratio for the tuners can be advantageous but it doesn't mean tuners of a lower gear ratio are inferior. Sperzel tuners are 12:1 but a very good set.

As for the nut, it largely affects tone only on the open strings. Graphite and Graphtech nuts(the black ones) tend to wear out more quickly than harder materials like bone or tusq. Whether the material is slippery of not, a lot ot tuning stability depends on how well the nut is cut. If you are someone who does extreme bends and uses the tremolo quite a bit, a slippery nut like graphtech may help. Delrin or 'slipstone' is another slippery material and is getting more popular as a nut . It is reputed to be more slippery than graphtech or graphite.
thanks for your input. Actually, I want to upgrade my tuners on my backup guitar because the stock ones are not stable enough. It's a low-end axe btw. So I think locking tuners would help me solve that.

I think with the right mods, I can turn this guitar into an impressive playing machine.

so um, any idea how much Graphtech FR saddles cost at Maestro? And also the Graphtech nut?

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